electrician in San Marcos Texas

What is The Cost of Bad Electrical Work?

An electrical installation is a coherent set of electrical circuits and/or electrical equipment. This installation must comply with the regulations in force in the country. A lot of people like to do their own electrical work. They think it is easy, and they have the tools at home to get it done quickly. However, this is a huge mistake for two reasons: one, they do not know what they are doing and two, electricity is dangerous! This blog post discusses some of the serious consequences that come with bad electrical work.

What is Electrical Work, and Why Is It Important?

The average cost to get your electrical work done is $500. This may seem like a lot, but when it is not handled correctly, the problems can be devastating, and you could end up paying hundreds of thousands in damage fees.

When you hire an electrician in San Marcos, Texas for electrical work, they should have all licenses needed as well as insurance coverage that will cover any accidents or damages from their services. One way to avoid needing these serious repairs is by getting professional help early on before there are major issues with wiring or outlets in your home!

The Cost of Bad Electrical Work (Fire, high electric bills, and more)

Bad electrical work can cost you a lot. It may be in the form of fires, power outages, or even worse: death! The reality is that bad electrical work has consequences, and they are not usually pretty. Here is what happens when it goes wrong:

1. People Get Injured

Sometimes these injuries lead to expensive lawsuits, which will end up costing you or your business money in legal fees as well as settlements with victims who have suffered from the injury caused by bad electrical installation.

2. It can Lead to More Safety Issues

If you’re not careful, the bad electrical work could end up even causing a fire! This is why it’s so important that people hire professionals for this type of job. Because if left unchecked, these fires could cause serious damage to your property.

3. Higher Electricity Bills

Sometimes we can be surprised by excessive consumption of electricity. We may think that it is because in a certain month we have used electrical appliances more frequently. In some cases, this is not necessarily the source of a higher bill. Faulty electrical wiring is the cause of unnecessarily high electricity bills. They can cause power surges and cause your appliances to use more electricity than necessary.

4. Frequent Failures of the Installation

Sometimes, in our own home, we have electrical problems that keep recurring, such as in the bathroom or kitchen. If you are a handyman, you may be able to patch it up and fix it, or not! Even with these repairs, you will end up having problems with outages again. To avoid bigger problems in the future, you need to call a professional electrician.

5. Power Outages

Indeed, an electrical power outage usually hides a problem with the electrical installation. This problem can be common in homes, for example, when the circuit breaker blows. This is often due to the fact that there are many electrical appliances connected at the same time, such as when the oven, air conditioning, and other appliances that consume more energy are connected.

6. Fire Hazard

This brings us to the biggest risk of a bad electrical installation. Indeed, a sudden change in voltage in a bad electrical installation can cause a fire and destroy the house or premises. In fact, more than 10% of fires in homes are caused by electrical installations.

7. Explosion

In areas where there is a risk of explosion, electrical installations, both power and control are a potential source of ignition for an explosive atmosphere. In order to reduce this risk, these installations are reduced to a strict minimum. In addition, the electrical equipment used in these areas must comply with the construction, installation, and operating conditions defined in standards.

Conclusion: What you Need to Remember

A dangerous electrical installation is not visible to the naked eye and yet can cause many accidents. The risks are therefore not negligible, especially when you know that in 2020, about 7.5 million homes are over 30 years old and no longer comply with electrical standards. The older your house or apartment is, the more outdated your installation is, and the greater the dangers. Electrical accidents are very often caused by the electrical installation itself, i.e., the sockets, the electrical wires, or the electrical panel.

With all this, it is necessary to emphasize the advantages of an electrical installation that complies with the regulations, both in the design of the installation itself, as well as in the quality of its components, safety above all!

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