Surge Protectors: Your Best Defense Against Storm-Induced Power Surges

Our licensed electricians are often asked about precautions that are needed during storms. One of the simplest and most effective solutions is using surge protectors. In this article, I’ll dive into why surge protectors are essential during storms, how they work, and how to choose the best one for your home.

What Causes Power Surges?

Power surges are sudden increases in voltage that can damage or destroy electronic devices. These surges can occur for several reasons, including lightning strikes, downed power lines, and the restoration of power after an outage. During storms, the risk of power surges increases significantly, making it crucial to protect your devices.

How Do Surge Protectors Work?

Surge protectors shield your electronic devices from voltage spikes by diverting excess electricity to the grounding wire. Here’s a breakdown of the key components and their roles:

  • Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV): The core component that absorbs excess voltage and directs it safely to the ground.
  • Grounding Wire: Provides a path for the excess voltage to be safely dissipated.
  • Indicator Lights: Show the status of the surge protector, indicating if it’s functioning correctly.

The Necessity of Surge Protectors During Storms

Lightning strikes can cause severe power surges that travel through power lines and into homes, potentially damaging anything plugged into an outlet. Surge protectors are designed to handle these spikes and prevent them from reaching your valuable electronics. By using surge protectors, you can avoid costly repairs or replacements and reduce the risk of fire.

Choosing the Right Surge Protector

Not all surge protectors offer the same level of protection. Here are some factors to consider when selecting one:

  1. Joule Rating: This measures the energy absorption capacity of the surge protector. For effective storm protection, look for a joule rating of at least 2,000.
  2. Clamping Voltage: The voltage level at which the surge protector activates to divert excess electricity. A lower clamping voltage offers better protection; aim for 400 volts or less.
  3. Response Time: The quicker the response time, the better the protection. Look for a response time of one nanosecond or less.
  4. Number of Outlets: Ensure the surge protector has enough outlets for all your essential devices.
  5. Additional Features: Some protectors come with USB ports, coaxial cable protection, or Ethernet protection, which can be beneficial for comprehensive protection.

Whole-House Surge Protectors

For the highest level of protection, consider installing a whole-house surge protector. These devices are connected directly to your electrical panel and protect all the circuits in your home. Although they are more expensive than plug-in products, they provide robust protection against large surges caused by lightning.

Installation Tips

Proper installation ensures your product work effectively:

  • Plug-In Surge Protectors: Simply plug them into an outlet and then connect your devices.
  • Whole-House Surge Protectors: These should be installed by a licensed electrician to ensure they are correctly connected to your electrical panel.

Maintenance and Replacement

Surge protectors degrade over time and need to be replaced periodically to ensure continued protection:

  • Indicator Lights: Pay attention to the indicator lights. If they go out, it’s time to replace the unit.
  • Regular Replacement: Even if the lights are functioning, replace surge protectors every 3-5 years or after a significant surge event.


Storms can cause significant damage to your home’s electrical system, but with the right hardware, you can protect your valuable electronics and appliances. Understanding how these products work and selecting the right ones for your needs will help keep your home safe during stormy weather.

If you have any questions or need help selecting or installing products, don’t hesitate to reach out to DFWElectricianHvac. Our team of professional electricians is here to ensure your home remains safe and your electrical system functions smoothly.

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Electrician

Hiring a qualified electrician is essential for ensuring the safety, functionality, and efficiency of your home’s electrical systems. Whether you need repairs, upgrades, or new installations, asking the right questions can help you find a skilled and reliable professional.

With the expertise available at DFW Electrician & HVAC, you’re guaranteed quality service. Before hiring an electrician, ask these five essential questions to make an informed decision.

1. Are You Licensed and Insured?

The first and most important question involves the electrician’s licensing and insurance status. A licensed electrician has met the necessary training and qualification standards set by your state or local authority, ensuring they’re competent to perform electrical work safely and effectively.

Insurance coverage, including liability and workers’ compensation, safeguards you from being held accountable for any accidents or damages that occur during the project. DFW Electrician & HVAC ensures all their electricians are fully licensed and insured, providing you with peace of mind.

2. What is Your Experience with This Type of Work?

Electrical work involves a broad spectrum of tasks, ranging from basic repairs to intricate installations. It’s important to hire an electrician with experience specific to your project needs. An experienced electrician can efficiently diagnose issues, recommend solutions, and ensure the work is completed to the highest standard.

Don’t hesitate to ask for examples of similar projects they’ve completed, which can give you confidence in their ability to handle your job.

3. Can You Provide References?

Verifying an electrician’s work quality and customer service through past clients can be done by asking for references. A reputable electrician should be more than willing to provide references from happy customers who can vouch for their professionalism, reliability, and quality of work.

An electrician should be willing to provide references who can vouch for their professionalism, reliability, and quality of work.

Feedback from references can offer insights into the electrician’s punctuality, communication, and overall satisfaction with the services provided.

4. What Does Your Estimate Include? 

Before hiring an electrician, ensure you receive a detailed estimate that outlines the scope of work, materials, labor, and any other costs associated with the project. This transparency helps avoid unexpected expenses and ensures both parties understand what is included in the job. Inquire if the estimate is a fixed price or if there could be additional charges based on time and materials. DFW Electrician & HVAC provides clear, upfront estimates, helping you budget effectively for your electrical project.

5. How Do You Handle Warranty and Service Issues?

It is crucial to understand both the material and labor warranties before beginning any electrical work. It’s important to inquire about an electrician’s policy for handling defects or issues that may arise after the project is completed. A reliable electrician will guarantee their work with a warranty, and they should be accessible to address any service calls or concerns after the project is completed. This question ensures you’re covered should anything not meet your standards or expectations after the job is done.


Before hiring an electrician, asking these questions can help you find a professional who will complete your electrical projects safely, efficiently, and to your satisfaction.

With the skilled team at DFW Electrician & HVAC, you can rest assured that your electrical needs will be met with expertise and professionalism.

It’s important to choose an electrician who will not only get the job done, but also ensure the safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical systems for years to come.

Sparks Coming from a Plug in your home? Here’s a few tips to Help!

Seeing sparks fly from a plug when connecting a device can be startling and is often a sign of an electrical issue that should not be ignored. Such sparks can indicate minor problems or more serious electrical hazards. To prevent damage to your home and ensure your safety, it’s important to know what steps to take when encountering this issue. For professional advice and services, DFW Electrician & HVAC is your go-to resource. Here’s what you should do when you see sparks coming from a plug on a device.


  1. Disconnect any Devices Immediately

The first step is to safely disconnect the device from the power source. Ensure you do this by pulling the plug, not the cord, to avoid damaging the appliance or the outlet. If the outlet continues to spark or if you notice smoke, turn off the power at the circuit breaker immediately.


  1. Inspect the Plug and Outlet for Sparks

Once the device is disconnected, inspect the plug, outlet, and cord for any visible signs of damage, such as burn marks, exposed wires, or melting. These signs can indicate the cause of the sparking, whether it’s a problem with the device or the outlet itself.


  1. Avoid Reusing the Outlet

Until you have determined the cause of the sparking and addressed the issue, do not use the outlet. Plugging a device into a potentially faulty outlet can cause electrical shock or fire. Plugging a device into a potentially faulty outlet can cause electrical shock or fire.


  1. Determine the Cause

Sparks can result from several issues, including loose wiring, an overloaded circuit, or a faulty device. If the outlet shows signs of damage, it may need to be replaced. If the plug or cord of the device is damaged, the device itself may need repairs or replacement.


  1. Test the Device on a Different Outlet

Ensure that the plug and outlet are undamaged by trying it on another outlet. If it does, the problem is likely with the device and not the outlet. However, proceed with caution and be ready to disconnect the device immediately if needed.


  1. Contact a Professional Electrician if it continues to have sparks

If you’re unable to determine the cause of the sparking or if the issue persists, it’s important to consult a professional electrician. An experienced electrician can safely diagnose and repair electrical issues, ensuring your home’s electrical system is safe and functional. DFW Electrician & HVAC offers expert technicians who can handle a wide range of electrical problems, providing reliable electrical services.


  1. Review Your Home’s Electrical Load

Frequent sparking from multiple outlets may indicate that your home’s electrical system is overloaded. Modern homes require a significant amount of power to operate various devices and appliances. An electrician can assess your home’s electrical load and recommend solutions, such as upgrading your electrical panel or adding additional circuits, to accommodate your power needs safely.




Sparks from a plug can be a warning sign of an underlying electrical issue that should not be taken lightly. To ensure the safety of your home and loved ones, it is important to take immediate action if you suspect an electrical problem. This may involve disconnecting the device, inspecting it for damage, and consulting with a professional electrician like DFW Electrician & HVAC. Remember that electrical safety is of utmost importance, so never hesitate to seek professional help when dealing with electrical issues.

What Causes Lights to Buzz?

When the serene ambiance of your home is disturbed by the persistent buzzing of lights, it’s not just an annoyance—it’s a symptom of underlying electrical issues that demand attention. This issue can have various causes, from simple solutions to complex electrical problems. Ensuring the safety and comfort of your home environment requires understanding the cause of buzzing lights. For professional diagnosis and repair, DFW Electrician & HVAC stands ready to assist. Here’s an in-depth look into the reasons behind buzzing lights and what actions you can take.

  1. Dimmer Switch Compatibility

One common cause of buzzing lights is the use of dimmer switches with non-compatible light bulbs. Dimmer switches work by rapidly turning the light circuit on and off to simulate lower light levels, which can cause an audible buzzing sound if the light bulb isn’t designed to handle this type of operation. LED bulbs, in particular, may require specific dimmer switches designed for low-power lighting to operate quietly and efficiently.

  1. Loose Connections on Lights

A loose electrical connection, either in the light fixture itself or in the wiring to the switch or outlet, can also lead to buzzing noises. These loose connections can cause a slight arcing of electricity, which generates a buzzing sound and potentially poses a fire risk. Ensuring all connections are tight and secure can often resolve this issue.

  1. Lights Overloaded Circuits

When too many devices or fixtures are connected to a circuit, it can cause lights to buzz due to strain on the electrical system. Overloading can increase the electrical current’s flow through the light bulb, leading to overheating and noise. Evaluating the load on your circuits and redistributing electrical devices can alleviate this problem.

  1. Transformer Issues

Certain types of light fixtures, especially low-voltage lighting like halogen or LED systems, use transformers to reduce the voltage supplied to the bulbs. A malfunctioning or incompatible transformer can create a buzzing sound in the lights it supplies. Replacing the transformer with one that matches the fixture’s voltage requirements can eliminate the noise.

  1. Lights Bulb Type and Quality

The type and quality of the bulb can also influence the presence of buzzing sounds. Cheaper, lower-quality bulbs may buzz more than higher-quality options due to inferior manufacturing standards. Additionally, fluorescent bulbs are more prone to buzzing, especially as they age or if they’re used with incompatible ballasts. Switching to high-quality, compatible bulbs often solves the buzzing issue.

  1. Electrical Interference

Electrical interference from nearby appliances or improperly shielded wiring can induce a buzzing sound in light fixtures. This is more common in environments with a high density of electrical devices. Identifying and relocating the source of interference, or upgrading wiring to include better shielding, can mitigate this problem.

  1. Harmonic Resonance

Sometimes, the buzzing isn’t due to the electrical system but rather a physical vibration in the light fixture, known as harmonic resonance. This occurs when certain parts of the light fixture vibrate in response to the electrical current. Adjusting the fixture or dampening the vibration with padding can reduce or eliminate the noise.


Buzzing lights are more than just a nuisance; they’re an indication that something in your electrical system may need attention. Whether it’s a compatibility issue with dimmer switches, a loose connection, or a more complex problem like electrical interference, addressing the root cause is essential for both peace of mind and safety. If troubleshooting your buzzing lights seems daunting, or if the problem persists, consulting with professionals like DFW Electrician & HVAC is a wise choice. Their expertise can help diagnose and fix the issue, ensuring your home remains a tranquil and safe environment. Regular maintenance and attention to the quality and compatibility of your electrical devices and fixtures can prevent buzzing lights and keep your home’s ambiance undisturbed.

All About HVAC Filters

In the intricate ecosystem of a home’s HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system, filters play a pivotal role that often goes underestimated. Not only do pollutants impact air quality, they also harm HVAC efficiency. It is important to select the right size of HVAC filters to maintain a healthy, comfortable, and energy-efficient home. This article will guide you through the essentials of HVAC filters, emphasizing their significance and navigating the process of choosing the appropriate size for your system. For professional assistance and more information, DFW Electrician & HVAC remains a resourceful ally in ensuring your HVAC system operates optimally.

The Importance of HVAC Filters

The primary purpose of HVAC filters is to remove particles and contaminants from the air as it circulates through the heating and cooling system. These particles include dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, bacteria, and other allergens. By capturing these pollutants, HVAC filters not only enhance the indoor air quality but also protect the HVAC system itself from dust buildup that can lead to inefficiency or damage.

A clean and effective filter ensures that your HVAC system runs smoothly, requiring less energy to heat or cool your home. This means that you will pay less for utilities and have a smaller impact on the environment. Moreover, by preventing dust and debris from accumulating in the system’s components, properly maintained filters extend the lifespan of your HVAC unit, saving homeowners on costly repairs or premature replacement.

Finding the Right Size Filter for Your HVAC System

Selecting the correct filter size is critical for its effectiveness and the overall performance of your HVAC system. An ill-fitting filter can allow unfiltered air to pass around the edges, diminishing the air quality and putting additional strain on the system. Here’s how to ensure you find the right size filter for your HVAC system:

  1. Check the Existing Filter: The simplest way to determine the correct filter size is to check the dimensions of the current filter installed in your system. Most filters list their size on the frame in inches, such as 16x25x1.
  2. Consult Your HVAC Manual: If you don’t have an existing filter to reference or if you suspect it’s the wrong size, consult your HVAC system’s manual. The manufacturer’s manual should clearly indicate the recommended filter type and size.
  3. Measure the Filter Slot: If all else fails, you can measure the filter slot yourself. For precise measurements, use a tape measure to determine the slot’s length, width, and depth. It is recommended to measure twice. For accurate measurements, use a tape measure to determine the length, width, and depth of the slot. It is recommended to measure twice.
  4. Understand Filter Ratings: Besides size, it’s important to consider the filter’s MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating, which indicates how effectively it can trap particles. Filters with higher MERV ratings can capture smaller particles, improving indoor air quality. However, very high MERV ratings may restrict airflow, straining the HVAC system, so it’s essential to strike a balance or consult with a professional.
  5. Consult Professionals: When in doubt, professional advice can be invaluable. DFW Electrician & HVAC experts can provide tailored recommendations for optimal efficiency and air quality.


HVAC filters are essential for maintaining air quality and efficiency of your home’s HVAC system. Choosing the right size and maintaining filters can improve your health, comfort, and finances. Remember, regular replacement or cleaning of your HVAC filter (depending on the type) is just as important as choosing the right size, as a clogged filter can negate all its benefits. For those seeking professional guidance or services, DFW Electrician & HVAC stands ready to assist, ensuring that your HVAC system remains a source of comfort and efficiency in your home.

Electric Car Charger at Your Home? Here’s some Benefits

Convenience and Accessibility

The most apparent benefit of having an Electric Car charger at home is unparalleled convenience. Imagine never having to detour to a public charging station again. Your car charges while you sleep, work, or relax at home, ensuring it’s always ready to go when you are. This accessibility eliminates range anxiety and makes owning an EV as convenient as plugging in your smartphone overnight.

Cost Savings

Charging your electric vehicle at home can lead to significant cost savings over time. Electricity rates at home are generally lower than those at public charging stations, especially if you charge your EV during off-peak hours when rates are reduced. This cost efficiency becomes even more pronounced as you shift from gasoline to electric, saving you considerable amounts on fuel costs annually.

Increased Property Value

Installing an EV home charging station can increase your property value and appeal. As electric vehicles become more common, prospective homebuyers view a home charging station as a valuable addition. This amenity could set your property apart in the real estate market, potentially leading to a quicker sale at a higher price.

Environmental Impact

Electric vehicles are a cleaner alternative to gas-powered cars, and charging them at home further reduces your carbon footprint. When you power your EV with electricity, especially if sourced from renewable energy, you contribute to decreased emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants. This shift supports a cleaner, more sustainable environment for future generations.

Optimized Battery Life

Charging your EV with a home charger can contribute to optimal battery health. Home chargers typically provide a consistent and steady charge, which is better for the battery’s longevity compared to the rapid charging stations. Regular, controlled charging at home can help maintain the battery’s condition, extending the life of your vehicle.

Safety and Security

Charging at home offers a safer environment for both your vehicle and yourself. Home chargers are installed by professionals, ensuring they meet all safety standards. Additionally, charging in the safety of your garage or driveway minimizes the risks associated with public charging stations, such as vandalism or theft.

Customizable Charging Options

Home Electric Car chargers offer the flexibility to choose the charger that best fits your vehicle’s needs and your personal preferences. Whether you opt for a basic Level 1 charger or a faster Level 2 charger, you can select the features and charging speed that match your lifestyle. Some smart chargers even allow you to control and monitor charging sessions via your smartphone, providing convenience and control over your vehicle’s charging.

Government Incentives

Many regions offer government incentives, rebates, and tax credits for installing an EV charger at home, making it an even more attractive option. These incentives can significantly offset the initial cost of purchasing and installing a home charging station, encouraging more drivers to make the switch to electric vehicles.

Conclusion of Electric Car

Installing an electric car charger at your home brings a host of benefits, from the convenience and cost savings to the positive environmental impact and increased property value. As the world shifts towards sustainable transportation, having a home charging station not only prepares you for the future but also offers immediate advantages that enhance your electric vehicle ownership experience.

By highlighting these benefits, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of why installing a home EV charger is a wise investment, both for their lifestyle and the planet.

For expert guidance and installation services visit DFW Electrician and HVAC 

Should You Own a Home Generator for Power Outages?

In today’s society, where electricity is a crucial part of our everyday lives, power outages can make us feel vulnerable. From preserving food in our refrigerators to keeping our homes comfortable and connected to the outside world, electricity plays a pivotal role. This raises an important question for homeowners: Should you own a home generator for power outages?

For expert guidance and installation services visit DFW Electrician and HVAC 

1. Generator Ensures Uninterrupted Power Supply 

The primary benefit of owning a home generator is the assurance of uninterrupted power supply during outages. Power outages can disrupt heating, cooling, lighting, and essential appliances due to severe weather, utility maintenance or unforeseen circumstances. A generator acts as a backup, kicking in automatically or with minimal setup to keep your home running smoothly.


2. Protects Against Food Spoilage

One of the costly consequences of a power outage is the potential spoilage of food stored in refrigerators and freezers. A home generator can keep these appliances running, preserving your food supplies and saving you from the inconvenience and expense of restocking.


3. Provides Comfort and Convenience

Maintaining a comfortable living environment is crucial, especially during extreme weather conditions. Generators can power heating and cooling systems, ensuring your home remains a safe and comfortable refuge until the power is restored. Additionally, they allow you to continue using lights, electronics, and other conveniences that contribute to your home’s comfort and functionality.


4. Supports Home Office and Remote Work

The shift towards remote work has made reliable power more important than ever. A home generator can prevent work disruptions by ensuring your computer, internet, and other necessary equipment remain operational, keeping you connected and productive.


5. Enhances Safety and Security

Power outages can compromise home security systems, leaving your property vulnerable. A generator ensures these systems continue to function, enhancing your home’s security. Moreover, lighting can deter potential intruders and prevent accidents in the dark.


6. Health Considerations

For households with medical equipment that requires electricity, such as oxygen generators, CPAP machines, or mobility devices, a home generator isn’t just a convenience—it’s a necessity. It ensures that essential health-related equipment remains operational, safeguarding the well-being of those dependent on them.


7. Increases Home Value

Investing in a home generator can also increase your property’s value. Prospective buyers appreciate the added security and convenience of an existing generator, making it a selling point that could potentially expedite the sale and increase the sale price.



 Owning a home generator presents a prudent measure for ensuring continuous power, protecting against food spoilage, maintaining comfort, supporting remote work, enhancing safety and security, and accommodating health needs during power outages. For those considering a generator, consulting with professionals like DFW Electrician & HVAC can provide you with the expertise and services needed to choose and install the right generator for your home, tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. In an unpredictable world, a home generator stands as a beacon of readiness and resilience, offering peace of mind in the face of power uncertainties.

Top 6 Common Electrical Problems

Electrical systems in homes are complex systems composed of many interconnected components. The wiring in walls, the circuit breakers, outlets, and electrical fixtures are enough to concern homeowners, but older homes could also have outdated wiring and materials. These are all common electrical problems  from flickering lights to a full-blown housefire, faulty components, electrical wiring, and old materials can cause problems.

The purpose of this article is to review some of the most common electrical problems that occur in homes.

When troubleshooting electrical problems, always exercise extreme caution. It is always advisable to hired licensed electrician to rewire switches, outlets, circuit breakers, junction boxes, and mounted electrical fixtures.

Outlets that are loose.

A receptacle or outlet’s contacts wear down over time, which makes it easier for plugs or cords to slip out. Not only is this a nuisance, but it is also quite dangerous. When a contact is loose, electricity can jump from one point to another, causing an arc. As dust, wood, and other in-wall debris can catch fire from an arc, arcing is a significant fire hazard.


The term “over-lamping” describes fitting a light fixture with a bulb with a higher wattage than its intended power. People often underestimate the danger of this. Hot bulbs can damage sockets and adjacent wiring in fixtures. As a result, arcing can occur, which in turn can cause a fire.

Absence of GFCIs.

A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet can detect minor changes in electrical current in an outlet. When human contact or water exposure occurs, the device can shut down the power. It is simply safer to use GFCI outlets than conventional outlets.

Coverless Junction Boxes.

High-voltage electrical wiring is connected through junction boxes. Despite the use of plastic clips and electrical tape, these splices pose a risk of electrocution.

Switches that are faulty.

There are a number of reasons why on/off and dimmable switches may fail. Possibly there is loose wiring, arcing, or the plastic pieces are worn out. Whatever the case may be, it is best to repair the switch to avoid a dangerous situation.

Panels that are over-wired.

Over-wiring occurs when a panel is wired to more circuits than it can handle. It can cause problems with your circuit breaker, or a problem with your fuse box in older homes.

If you are experiencing any electrical problems in your homes then visit Blessed Electric today for an expert to come out and help with any service needed!

Common Electrical Safety Myths

Over the years you may have seen or heard a few of these common electrical safety myths– wood is a
natural insulator, if a live wire doesn’t spark, it’s fine to touch, and low voltage isn’t something
to worry about. Sadly, none of this is true. Let us clear the air. The following are 7 electrical
safety myths you shouldn’t believe.

1. Household currents aren’t powerful enough to kill

Although we’d like to believe that electricity in our homes would not harm us, this is
unfortunately not true. Electricity in your household is especially dangerous when it comes into
contact with wires. For this reason, GFCI outlets are recommended by many electrical
companies, such as Blessed Electric and Air

2. Myth: It’s only old wiring that goes bad

It is also possible for a new wiring system to go bad very quickly after installation if it is not
installed properly. To prevent early failure of electrical wires, like many other things in the home,
they need to be maintained frequently. Additionally, rodents chewing through wires and circuit
overload can also cause new wiring to fail much sooner.

3. Myth: Gloves and shoes made of rubber insulate

Fact: The only material that insulates is 100% pure rubber. It is most likely that your gloves and
shoes are not 100% rubber – which can conduct electricity.

4. Myth: Whenever a live wire falls, it will spark

Fact: Even if a fallen wire doesn’t spark, it could still be live, so don’t touch it. Live wires that do
not spark could simply be de-energizing and still pose a threat. The electrical charge could still
be present regardless of whether it sparks when it falls, making it potentially fatal.

5. Myth: Wearing more protective equipment makes you safer

Fact: There is a misconception that if you wear enough protective gear, you’re totally safe. If you
want to avoid electrocution, it’s more important to have the right type of gear than several layers
of gear that won’t protect you. You should never handle electricity unless you are prepared and knowledgeable about how to handle electricity, and unless you are wearing the proper personal protective equipment.

6. Myth: Low voltage equals low harm

Fact: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) reports that severe shocks often
create more damage than is initially apparent. Electrical threats are ultimately determined by
their current. It is still possible for a low voltage and strong current to cause a great deal of
damage. Electrical systems should never be DIYed and should always be left to the pros.

7. Myth: Wood serves as a natural insulator

Fact: You might have heard that wood is a natural insulator. Unfortunately, this is not true.
Remember that a lot of wood ladders still contain metal! Whenever you’re working with live
wires, it’s best to avoid using wood structures due to their weak conductivity.

If you are experiencing any electrical problems in your homes then visit Blessed Electric today for an expert to come out and help with any service needed!

Circuit Breakers: How They Work

Circuit breakers are essential devices in the modern world and one of the most important safety
mechanisms in your house. If a building’s electrical wiring is overloaded, these simple devices
cut the power until a problem can be solved. Household electricity would not be practical if
circuit breakers (or fuses) were not available, as simple wiring problems and equipment failures
could lead to fires and other mayhem.

There are several types of circuit breakers:

These come in three main types: standard, GFCI, and AFCI. Each has a different amp
capacity and is used in different areas of the home. Double-pole and single-pole circuit breakers
are the two main types.

Is it expensive to replace a circuit breaker panel?

A new breaker box costs an average of $1,475. An upgrade to a 200-amp panel can cost up to
$2,500, and a 400-amp panel can cost up to $4,000. Obviously, prices will vary, so speak to an
electrician for an exact quote.

How does a circuit breaker work?

In essence, circuit breakers are resettable fuses that are automatically activated when the current
exceeds a safe level, avoiding overheating, melting, and fires.

Is it necessary for the circuit breakers to be of the same brand as the panel?

While many brands of breakers will fit in other brands of panels, you shouldn’t use them
interchangeably. Make sure you install the correct brand of breakers in your breaker panel. Your
breaker or panel warranty may be voided if you replace a breaker with another brand.

What is better, a fuse or a circuit breaker?

There are pros and cons to both. Due to its lack of moving parts, fuses are generally more cost-
effective and more reliable. Circuit breakers, on the other hand, do not need to be replaced after
every overload and are safer to handle. Although it is highly unlikely, there have been cases
when it jams instead of cutting the circuit off.

If you are experiencing any electrical problems in your homes then visit Blessed Electric today for an expert to come out and help with any service needed!