Why Choose Blessed Electric for All Your Electrical Service Needs in Dallas?

There are numerous Dallas electricians and more will emerge, but the qualities of their services vary as well as their charges. Unfortunately, higher charges do not always mean higher quality of electrical service. That means you could pay higher for lower-quality electrical services. This is why you should not select any Dallas electrician at random.

The go-to Dallas electrician and Dallas HVAC specialist is Blessed Electric. If you want the best electrical services at highly competitive rates, look no further than this electrician. Here are some of the reasons why Blessed Electric is your best bet for residential and commercial electrical jobs.

Blessed Electric is Licensed

Here in Texas, it is a crime to hire an electrician that is yet to get an operational license. The hirer is as guilty as the technician. If you don’t want to get into trouble with the law, stick with a licensed electrician. In addition, being licensed is an indication of competence. Getting a license in Texas is a long, tedious process.

Electricians are subjected to different levels of assessments and scrutiny before getting approved. So, any electrician that has a license to operate in Texas must be competent. This is why we are glad to let you know that Blessed Electric got its operational license several years ago.

We are fully insured

Another reason to consider us is our insurance status. Blessed Electric and all our servicemen are fully insured. That gives a certain level of peace of mind. If an accident happens while we are serving you, our insurance company will foot the medical bills, and not you. However, we must state clearly that an accident has never occurred to any of our electricians because we follow the highest safety standards. Notwithstanding, the possibility of an accident cannot be ruled out completely.

We offer 24-hour electrical services

At Blessed Electric, we believe that every electrical fault is an emergency. That’s why we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days year. We never go on holidays. Rather, our men are always on standby, ready to respond to your calls. We prefer to avert or solve any electrical problem that could mar your holiday fun. Have you ever wondered how you’ll feel if your HVAC suddenly packs up on Friday night and you’ll have to wait till Monday to get it fixed?

It means you have to cope with the fault all through Saturday and Sunday. To avoid such situation, pitch your tent with Blessed Electric. We are always available to serve you. We will respond to your call even in the night.

Our turnaround time is impressive

One of the key performance indices of electricians is speed of service. At Blessed Electric, we don’t only offer services, but we also offer it as quickly as possible. The timer begins immediately after assigning your job to one of our electricians. That’s why our team of electricians will reach your property as quickly as possible. If it takes other electricians 2 hours to solve a problem, you can be sure that it will take us less than that.

Experience is on our side

Having served Dallas and several other cities in Texas for several years, we can proudly say we have the experience to give you the best electrical services. It is needless to remind you that experience always goes around hand in hand with expertise. As our experience increases, so does our expertise. That’s why we can assure you of the best services. If we have to handle an electrical problem twice, the bill for the second service will be on us, and not you. It might also interest you that we are familiar with electrical codes all over Dallas and other cities in Texas.

We make use of sophisticated equipment

Experience alone is not enough to give you the highest-quality services. We also need the right tools to get the job done. That’s why we spare no expense when it comes to the purchase of state-of-the-art equipment. We use technology-driven tools to troubleshoot electrical faults. That’s why there’s no fault we can’t handle. No job is too big for Blessed Electrical.

Honesty is our hallmark

It took Blessed Electric several years to build our reputation. We guard it jealously. We don’t cut corners or engage in sharp practices. You’ll never get any hidden fees from us. Once we give you a free quote, we’ll stick to it. Unlike some bad eggs among Dallas electricians, we won’t trick you into buying what you don’t need. In addition, we are always looking for the most cost-effective solutions for our clients.

Finally, we offer highly competitive rates. Do you have any electrical faults on your property? Do you need electrical installations? Or are you planning to replace or repair your HVAC? We will be glad to handle the job. For more information about our services, you can contact us today.

6 Tips for Choosing the Right Electrical Service

Are you planning to hire an electrician but you’re a little confused as to how to go about it? Well, you’re on the right page and we’re here to help. We’ll give you some steps to follow. With these tips, you’ll be able to hire a reliable Electrical Service contractor with competitive charges.

1. Start with online search

Depending on your location, you can search for an electrician in your location. For instance, people based in Dallas can search for Dallas electricians and a Round Rock resident will search for Round Rock electricians. This will return a list of electricians in your city. Take the time to click on the links of the search results. The idea is to get to the websites of the returned electrical practices to find out more about each of them.

On each of their websites, make sure to head over to their service pages to check the list of services that they offer. You need to be sure that your chosen electrical service offers the exact electrical service that you need. For instance, only few electrical contractors offer HVAC services. If you need to get your HVAC serviced or repaired, it is better to choose an electrician that lists the service on the service page of their websites.

2. Select only few electrical contractors from the list

Your online search will definitely return a long list of electricians. Try to select only 3 – 5 electrical practices from the long list of returned pages. That way, you’ll be able to scrutinize every one of them properly. Read further to know the things to find out before you hire an electrical contractor.

3. Your electrician must be licensed

This is the most important tip of all. You must ensure that your electrician is licensed and the license is up to date. Unfortunately, a lot of people overlook this, especially when the electrician was referred by someone else. The fact that an electrical contractor is skillful does not mean they’re licensed to work in Texas. They may possess the license of another state.

licensed electrician


Of course, you could hire an unlicensed electrician and go get away with it. But when something goes wrong, litigation may happen. Remember, it is a crime to hire an electrician that is not licensed in Texas. So, no matter how good the electrical contractor is, ask for their license.

4. Take quotes from at least three electricians

You need to compare charges from different electricians. That’s the only way to be sure that you’re paying a fair price. Ask at least 3 of the electricians on your consideration list to send quotes. Ensure the quotes are broken down to your understanding. And if there are areas you don’t understand, try to ask as many questions as possible. It’s your money, and you need to know where every dollar is going.

Sometimes, some electricians may also list things you don’t need just to increase their profits. Comparing quotes will help you sniff out that trick. If you check the quotes from 3 electrical contractors, and only one includes a certain component, you probably don’t need the component. So, you should query it.

5. Compare turnaround time too

In Texas, your bill will depend on the number of hours or days expended on your job. That’s why it isn’t unusual for some electrical service providers to drag their service longer than necessary. It helps them to charge higher. You need to ask for their turnaround time. For instance, if one of the electricians says your job will take 3 days and another one quotes 2 days, let the one with the longer timeframe know that you’ve seen a contractor that will finish the job in fewer days. You may even show them the quote. This may push them to rework their quote in your favor.

6. Declare that you don’t pay hidden fees

After negotiation, let your electrician know that you won’t respond to any additional fees that may come up during the project. This is because some electrical contractors may try to pull a fast one on you. They’ll come up with different stories to ask for additional fee. They will try to make it look like something unexpected happened. This is why you must let your team of electricians know that you’re not gonna pay a dime more than the quoted amount for the same job. Tell them beforehand.

Once you make such heavy declaration, the issue of hidden fees won’t come up. Even if they had such ideas, they’ll quickly ditch it.



With the 6 tips discussed above, you’ll always fall into the hands of the right Dallas electricians offering the right electrical services with the right quality at the right rate. And if you have to pick only one of the tips, choose the #3 tip – hire a licensed electrician.

Preventing Rodent’s


December will bring in those chilly temperatures. The cooler weather tends to drive unwanted outside visitors into our homes. Why is this important to note in relation to our electrical system? Well, rodents love to chew and seem to have a particular penchant for the insulation on your electrical work, which can damage your home systems and even cause a fire. Yes, rodents damage your electrical system! Here are a few tips on how to keep these furry pests away.

Signs to look out for that you may have an unwanted guest

  • LOOK: Rodents will leave signs that they are around. You just need to look

For them. The telltale sign that they are in our home is to see droppings.

Surely, you’ve seen them before they are a little black or grey and oval-shaped.

You may also spot nesting material in enclosed spaces. These materials can be

of numerous materials such as string, twine, insulation, leaves, or clothing.


  • LISTEN: You can tell if there is something crawling, scratching, or chewing on your

walls by listening for the noises


Winter is a good time to check your wiring!

  • Make sure your wiring is in good condition and hasn’t been chewed on periodically by inspecting the insulation. Of course, you will not be able to see what is behind your walls, but you will notice by looking around the house where you can see.
  • Pay attention to unexplained electrical problems. It’s possible that rodents are damaging your electrical system if you notice that some rooms or circuits do not have reliable power or if your breakers keep tripping without reason.


If you spot signs that a rodent or rodents are in your home, make sure to act promptly to remove them. The longer they stay housed inside, the more havoc they can cause.

  • Call a Professional
  • Combat the issue on your own using various traps and poisons available at the local store. Always read the instructions carefully to ensure the proper use of any method you decide to use. After all, safety in your home is the goal here.
  • Cats! They are a great deterrent for keeping rodents from damaging your electrical system and away from or out of your home.
  • The best way to avoid rodents from damaging your electrical system is to keep them out of your home. Caulk, foam spray, or other barriers can seal any cracks or holes around your home. Keep in mind that it is not uncommon for rodents to find tiny cracks or even chew their way in.


Remember, chewed wires in your home are a safety concern!

If you suspect rodents may have chewed through your electrical work, contact an expert DFW electrician immediately.










How to Find Affordable Electricians Near Dallas, Texas

Of course, there are numerous electricians in Dallas, but they offer varying charges and varying service qualities. And the Dallas electrician with the highest charges may not offer the best services. That’s why you need to apply the following

Tips to Hire Dallas HVAC Experts and Electricians

Ask for reference

You might need to ask friends, family, and/or colleagues at work who have enjoyed the services of a good Dallas electrician for reference. In addition, you could also do a simple Google search for Dallas electricians. With these two strategies, you’ll definitely end up with a long list of electricians in Dallas, Texas. You have to reduce the long list to about 4 or 5 electricians.

Contact the 4 of them

Having cut the list down to only 4 electricians in Dallas, Texas, you need to contact all of them to see what they offer before you make your final choice. You need to find out how long they’ve been in business. In addition, it is important to find out if they are licensed. This is necessary because it’s a crime to hire an unlicensed electrician in Texas. Don’t rely on word of mouth on this. You must seek proof of being licensed. After that, you can ask for the cost of the electrical works or repairs that you need.

Consider their charges

You need to consider the charges as well. While it is natural for your decision to tilt towards the electrician with the lowest charges, don’t base your choice on only low charges. You could end up with a poorly-done job and you’ll have to get another electrician to clean up the mess. Ask for the breakdown of the service they intend to render.

It is possible that the electrician with the lowest charges is the least experienced one and they do not offer any form of warranty for their service.  So, don’t just hire an electrician because of low charges.

Find out the turnaround time

Instead of looking for an electrician for the project on hand, it is better to hire an electrician that will continue to handle the electrical works in your home going forward. On that note, you need to know the average turnaround time of your chosen Dallas electrician. After paying upfront for an electrical service, you shouldn’t have to wait for days or weeks before it’s done. Most electrical works and repairs need to be done urgently.

24/7 availability matters too

When your HVAC suddenly packs up, you’ll need the services of a Dallas HVAC expert as quickly as possible, right? Imagine a situation in which your HVAC stops working on Friday night and you try to contact your electrical contractor but was told that you have to wait till Monday morning because the company does not work at weekends. What will you do?

No doubt, in that kind of situation, having to wait for two days will be frustrating and annoying. That’s why you should prevent such by hiring an electrician that is available and accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365/366 days a year.

Conclusively, if you’re in need of a reputable and reliable Dallas electrician or a Dallas HVAC expert that works 24/7 and offers competitive charges, contact us right away.