Here are the Best Ways To Stay Cool in The Texas Heat.

Tips for staying safe in Dallas during the summer

In Texas, summers are hot.

We will see plenty of triple-digit temperatures in Dallas over the coming months. Summer temperatures are rising, so staying safe and cool is crucial.

Every year, hundreds of people die as a result of high temperatures. There are preventable causes of heat-related death and illness in the United States, yet more than 700 people are killed each year by extreme heat.

Keeping cool, staying hydrated, and staying informed are essential. Overheating can cause sickness. You can get sick when your body cannot compensate for the heat and cool you down appropriately. It is important to note that the following factors affect your body’s ability to cool itself during scorching weather:

  • An extremely high humidity level. Sweat won’t evaporate as quickly when the humidity is high. As a result, your body may be unable to release heat as fast as needed.
  • There are personal factors involved. The heat a person can handle depends on a person’s age, obesity, fever, dehydration, heart disease, mental illness, poor circulation, sunburn, and prescription drug and alcohol use.

Whenever you are working or playing outdoors, find shade and take lots of breaks. Pets and children should never be left in your car. The highest risk group is people 65 and older, children younger than two, and those suffering from chronic diseases or mental illness. You should closely monitor people who depend on you for their care. It is wonderful to bask in the sunshine, but extreme heat can be fatal for young and old, pregnant women, and those with chronic diseases. There’s no escaping the heat, both outside and inside.

Drinking water is a given, but many other ways to stay hydrated exist. Changing your bedding are no-sweat ways to stay cool this summer. You can enjoy the breeze with a bowl of ice in front of a fan if it is hot but not humid. The ice will cool you as it melts and evaporates. Cooling yourself off in the summer is as simple as spritzing yourself. Store a spray bottle in your refrigerator, and mist yourself whenever the weather gets hot. The water evaporates, and it cools you.

Whenever possible, wear thin, light-colored cotton that is loose and loose-fitting. It’s best if sweat evaporates directly from the skin to the air. There’s a strange truth about spicy foods: they’re good for cooling you off. The heat from spicy food increases blood circulation, which leads to sweating. Furthermore, sweating cools you down after it cools down.

Heat-related illnesses can be prevented by following these precautions:

  • Aim to stay out of direct sunlight and in the shade
  • During the day, limit outdoor activities between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. since these are the hottest hours
  • Dress in light colors and lightweight materials to get into gear
  • Stay hydrated and drink lots of water
  • Use sunscreen with a high SPF as often as possible
  • Eat light meals to feel cooler
  • Wipe your forehead with a cool cloth
  • Avoid using your stove or oven if possible
  • Turn on a Window Fan at Night
  • Whenever possible, stay in an air-conditioned indoor location.

If you are experiencing any electrical problems in your homes then visit Blessed Electric today for an expert to come out and help with any service needed!

The Importance of Electrical Maintenance for Commercial Properties

Electricity is important to power the lights brightening our homes and the devices that connect us with everyone. However, this vital resource often requires careful use and implementation. 

That said when it comes to commercial properties, a safe and dependable electrical system can help ensure the smooth operation of daily tasks. That’s why ensuring proper electrical maintenance for commercial properties is important.

This article will explore why a safe and dependable electrical system can ensure every building’s infrastructure. 

Why is Electrical Maintenance Necessary for Commercial Properties?

Commercial property owners and managers understand the need to maintain reliable and secure electrical systems. As a result, they conduct routine electrical maintenance on the properties. Some reasons why conducting regular electrical repair is essential are provided below:

Avoiding Accidents and Mishaps

The reliability of the building’s electrical systems is crucial to its day-to-day operations. Maintaining all of the machinery, appliances, and power outlets at your place of work is essential to avoid accidents and keep everything running smoothly and safely. Our Irving Electrician business maintenance services will also help your electrical appliances last longer.

Preserving Your Stuff

As a commercial building manager, you are responsible for the safety of the building, including workers, customers, or tenants. 

Major safety hazards, such as electrical fires, may result from faults with your electrical system. Although these hazards may be seemingly minor, they can still harm your electrical appliances such as TV, fridge, etc. Proper electrical maintenance helps keep the troubles at bay and preserve your stuff for years.

Curbing Major Electrical Issues

There might be severe issues with the electrical system in your commercial property, even though everything seems to be running well. At Round Rock Electrician, we provide exceptional electrical maintenance services to spot minor faults before they escalate into big disasters. 

Your Property’s Energy Bills May Go Down as a Result

One of the primary benefits of regular electrical maintenance is that it allows our expert electricians to detect and fix any minor issues. Various problems can affect your electrical equipment, some of which may not be apparent. 

These issues can cause your equipment to use more energy than necessary. It results in higher energy bills and potential breakdowns. With regular electrical maintenance, we can identify and resolve these problems to ensure your equipment is functioning efficiently and effectively. 

Major Electrical Problems Are Avoided

Although your electrical system may appear to be running smoothly, there could be underlying issues that seriously threaten the safety of your building’s occupants. That’s why it’s essential to have regular maintenance checks and comprehensive inspections carried out by licensed professionals such as Arlington Electricians.

These inspections can detect potential problems early on to allow troubleshooting before they escalate into major safety hazards. You can ensure the safety and welfare of everyone in your building by identifying and resolving these issues early.

Avoid Future Repair Costs and Save Money

When you own a company or commercial building, spending money on electrical system upkeep seems irresponsible if everything is running well.

Remember that the goal of our Dallas Electrician business electrical repair services is to save costs for you. Keeping up with routine maintenance may help you reduce the number of costly repairs to your electrical system.

Final Verdict!

A company’s best efficient way to function is to have a comprehensive electrical maintenance plan. The risk of fire and electrical shock caused by faulty electrical equipment may be reduced and eliminated with the help of a preventive maintenance program.

The repair and labor costs alone for a commercial electrical emergency may easily run into thousands of dollars, not to mention the disruption to corporate operations. Hence hiring professional and reliable Commercial Electrical maintenance services like DFW Electrician are essential to avoid all business and property loss. Contact us for the best Commercial Electrical maintenance service!

10 Tips to stay warm during the Winter

Winter is when your home should be a cozy haven away from the freezing temperatures. Thermostats can be an excellent way to warm your house, but they can also impact your energy bills.

Warming and weatherizing your home in the winter can help you keep your heating bill low without sacrificing comfort. You should install updated windows and inspect the insulation in your attic as permanent measures. If the skies are blue, you can let in warm air from the sun by purchasing a door draft stopper.

The following tricks will keep the cool air out of your home and the warm air in.

Warm and Cozy House

  1. Install Programable Thermostat
    1. Using a programmable thermostat gives you more control over the temperature in your home throughout the day so that it does not remain at 68°F throughout the day. During the day, keep your house warm, and then set your thermostat to lower the temperature when you’re away. If you arrive home or wake up in a cold place, schedule the temperature to return to normal before you step inside.
    2. The Home Depot sells intelligent thermostats that you can adjust from your phone even when you’re not home ($249, The Home Depot). Saving tons on heating costs is easy with this DIY upgrade.
    3. Intelligent learning thermostats automatically program based on your preferences and patterns while home based on your current temperature, and “The thermostat will adjust according to your patterns and settings as the weather outside changes,” According to Thumbtack’s Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships and New Ventures, David Steckel. During the day, if the thermostat does not see any movement for a couple of hours, it will calculate that you are not home, so it won’t turn on the furnace. This will save you up to 10% on your heating bill.”
  2. Making sure heating vents are open and not blocked
    1. Blessed Electric and Air’s Jeff Robertson says closing vents does not save money because unused rooms are not heated. In Robertson’s opinion, the HVAC system at your home is vital to provide hot air in every room, regardless of how many open vents.
    2. Partially closing vents can help pump air into the right areas, but leave them open at least 25%. ” Your system will overwork if your ducts are fully closed, leading to higher energy bills and damage over time.
    3. Ensure your home’s warm-air vents, radiators, and other heaters are not blocked, so your heating system works as efficiently as possible. Ensure no obstructions to airflow, such as rugs, furniture, or curtains. To prevent dust buildup, make sure you regularly clean your furnace filter and clean these areas.
  3. Add Draft Door Stopper
    1. Doorways are easy entry points for cold air, but draft guards can keep it out. These handy objects are wrapped in fabric and weighted with sand to keep a chilled atmosphere from entering through the front door. Making your own is an option if you so desire. Make a doorway cover by cutting a length of fabric into a tube, sewing it together, then filling it with stuffing and closing it. Adding a draft stopper to the door will not stop the cool breeze from wafting in when you open it, but it will help when it is closed.
  4. Insulate windows with bubble wrap or plastic film.
    1. Bubble wrap and plastic film can insulate windows very quickly and cheaply. These window film insulation kits use transparent shrink film to create a protective barrier around drafty windows. Using a hairdryer, seal the plastic sheet to the adhesive tape after cutting it to the size of your window. The Wrap peels off cleanly at the end of the season.
    2. If you plan to use bubble wrap, choose a medium to large size ($15, Target). Small bubble wrap is too thin to block cold air and will not be as effective as oversized bubble wrap. Be sure to measure your windows before cutting the bubble wrap. Once that is done thoroughly, spray the window with a thin layer of water. The bubble wrap should be pressed to the window right after pouring, with the bubbles facing the glass. Bubble wrap will stick to the water and stay intact all winter long, keeping you warm.
  5. Seal your Windows
    1. Another good thing you can do is seal your windows. The best way to keep drafts out of your home is to replace old caulking and add weatherstripping, says Robertson. The first step in this process is to remove all corroding caulk from the frame. Remove the old caulk and use a caulk gun to apply a new layer. Apply a thin layer of caulk and smooth it out with your finger. In addition to sealing your windows’ exterior, you should close the interior.
    2. “In addition to updating your windows, this is an excellent time to switch to storm or insulated windows so that you can improve your home’s energy efficiency and stay warm this winter,” suggests Robertson.
  6. Open Curtains on a sunny day
    1. You can use this housewarming hack for free! Make sure you check the weather before you leave for the day. Let nature heat your home for free by opening the blinds and curtains around the house when the sun is out. Close all curtains at night to keep cold air out.
  7. Put your ceiling fans on reverse.
    1. Here’s a hack that usually goes unnoticed. According to Robertson, your ceiling fan operates clockwise during summer to pull warm air upward. During the winter, fans can also keep your home warm.

    2. “You can set them to run counterclockwise, which circulates the air and pushes warm air down,” Robertson says.

  8. Keep interior doors open.
    1. I am not referring to the outside doors in your home but to the gates surrounding the interior. There may seem to be some contradiction between closed doors to some rooms and the theory that they require less heating overall. It will help regulate the house’s temperature and keep your doors open. Robertson says this will allow air to circulate throughout the home.
    2. “Blocking off unconnected areas of the HVAC system, which have no purpose without it, makes sense,” Robertson says.”Where there are vents, heat will come out, and internal opening doors will circulate the [warm] air.”

  9. Boost insulation
    1. Checking your insulation as winter approaches can save you money, even if it is a little more involved. A thorough inspection of your insulation may be in order if you haven’t done so for a while. Added insulation to your home will help regulate the temperature and prevent energy loss through your basement and attic.
  10. Bake some treats
    1. Want to get warm fast? Here’s an idea. Turn on the oven to warm the house as you bake your favorite treat. Just a crack in the oven door, while it’s cooling is all you need to do when it has finished baking.

IMPORTANT: When the oven door has been open, turn it off. You can quickly and inexpensively heat your kitchen with heat. After all the heat has come out, close the door. If you have pets or small children, it is not advisable to do this.

Preventing Rodent’s


December will bring in those chilly temperatures. The cooler weather tends to drive unwanted outside visitors into our homes. Why is this important to note in relation to our electrical system? Well, rodents love to chew and seem to have a particular penchant for the insulation on your electrical work, which can damage your home systems and even cause a fire. Yes, rodents damage your electrical system! Here are a few tips on how to keep these furry pests away.

Signs to look out for that you may have an unwanted guest

  • LOOK: Rodents will leave signs that they are around. You just need to look

For them. The telltale sign that they are in our home is to see droppings.

Surely, you’ve seen them before they are a little black or grey and oval-shaped.

You may also spot nesting material in enclosed spaces. These materials can be

of numerous materials such as string, twine, insulation, leaves, or clothing.


  • LISTEN: You can tell if there is something crawling, scratching, or chewing on your

walls by listening for the noises


Winter is a good time to check your wiring!

  • Make sure your wiring is in good condition and hasn’t been chewed on periodically by inspecting the insulation. Of course, you will not be able to see what is behind your walls, but you will notice by looking around the house where you can see.
  • Pay attention to unexplained electrical problems. It’s possible that rodents are damaging your electrical system if you notice that some rooms or circuits do not have reliable power or if your breakers keep tripping without reason.


If you spot signs that a rodent or rodents are in your home, make sure to act promptly to remove them. The longer they stay housed inside, the more havoc they can cause.

  • Call a Professional
  • Combat the issue on your own using various traps and poisons available at the local store. Always read the instructions carefully to ensure the proper use of any method you decide to use. After all, safety in your home is the goal here.
  • Cats! They are a great deterrent for keeping rodents from damaging your electrical system and away from or out of your home.
  • The best way to avoid rodents from damaging your electrical system is to keep them out of your home. Caulk, foam spray, or other barriers can seal any cracks or holes around your home. Keep in mind that it is not uncommon for rodents to find tiny cracks or even chew their way in.


Remember, chewed wires in your home are a safety concern!

If you suspect rodents may have chewed through your electrical work, contact an expert DFW electrician immediately.