Jump Into Fall with HVAC and Electrical Maintenance

Fall is the perfect time to perform HVAC and electrical maintenance for your home, ensuring
everything runs smoothly before the cold winter months. Proactive upkeep can help you avoid
costly repairs, reduce energy bills, and keep your home safe and comfortable.

For your HVAC system, start by changing air filters, as clogged filters reduce efficiency and
strain the system. Check for any visible damage or wear on ducts and vents to prevent air leaks,
which can increase heating costs. It’s also a good idea to schedule a professional inspection to
ensure your furnace is functioning properly before the colder months arrive. A well-maintained
system ensures efficient heating, improving comfort while reducing energy consumption.

When it comes to electrical maintenance, inspect your wiring, outlets, and breakers for any signs
of wear or damage. This is crucial since increased energy use in winter, from heaters to holiday
lights, can strain your electrical system. Replacing outdated electrical panels or upgrading to
surge protectors can help prevent potential hazards.

Taking these steps not only prevents unexpected breakdowns but also improves the longevity of
your HVAC and electrical systems. Proper fall maintenance ensures that your home remains safe,
energy-efficient, and ready for the demands of winter.

For professional diagnosis and repair, DFW Electrician & HVAC stands ready to assist.

Humidity Control in HVAC Systems: A Key Focus for East Texas

In East Texas, where the climate is both hot and humid for much of the year, proper humidity control in
HVAC systems is crucial. High humidity can cause discomfort, affect indoor air quality, and lead to mold
and mildew growth, which can cause structural damage. Maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor
environment is important, homeowners and businesses need HVAC systems designed to effectively
manage both temperature and humidity.

An efficient HVAC system in East Texas should include a dehumidification component, either integrated
into the system or as a standalone unit. The ideal indoor humidity level should be maintained between
30% and 50%, reducing excess moisture while ensuring comfort. Variable-speed air handlers and
properly sized systems also play a significant role in controlling humidity by preventing short cycling,
which can leave moisture in the air.

Additionally, regular maintenance, including coil cleaning and filter replacements, ensures optimal
system performance. For those in particularly humid areas, advanced solutions like whole-home
dehumidifiers can be a wise investment. With the right control strategy, East Texas residents
can enjoy cooler, drier, and healthier homes year-round, despite the region’s challenging climate

For professional diagnosis and repair, DFW Electrician & HVAC stands ready to assist.

10 Tips to stay warm during the Winter

Winter is when your home should be a cozy haven away from the freezing temperatures. Thermostats can be an excellent way to warm your house, but they can also impact your energy bills.

Warming and weatherizing your home in the winter can help you keep your heating bill low without sacrificing comfort. You should install updated windows and inspect the insulation in your attic as permanent measures. If the skies are blue, you can let in warm air from the sun by purchasing a door draft stopper.

The following tricks will keep the cool air out of your home and the warm air in.

Warm and Cozy House

  1. Install Programable Thermostat
    1. Using a programmable thermostat gives you more control over the temperature in your home throughout the day so that it does not remain at 68°F throughout the day. During the day, keep your house warm, and then set your thermostat to lower the temperature when you’re away. If you arrive home or wake up in a cold place, schedule the temperature to return to normal before you step inside.
    2. The Home Depot sells intelligent thermostats that you can adjust from your phone even when you’re not home ($249, The Home Depot). Saving tons on heating costs is easy with this DIY upgrade.
    3. Intelligent learning thermostats automatically program based on your preferences and patterns while home based on your current temperature, and “The thermostat will adjust according to your patterns and settings as the weather outside changes,” According to Thumbtack’s Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships and New Ventures, David Steckel. During the day, if the thermostat does not see any movement for a couple of hours, it will calculate that you are not home, so it won’t turn on the furnace. This will save you up to 10% on your heating bill.”
  2. Making sure heating vents are open and not blocked
    1. Blessed Electric and Air’s Jeff Robertson says closing vents does not save money because unused rooms are not heated. In Robertson’s opinion, the HVAC system at your home is vital to provide hot air in every room, regardless of how many open vents.
    2. Partially closing vents can help pump air into the right areas, but leave them open at least 25%. ” Your system will overwork if your ducts are fully closed, leading to higher energy bills and damage over time.
    3. Ensure your home’s warm-air vents, radiators, and other heaters are not blocked, so your heating system works as efficiently as possible. Ensure no obstructions to airflow, such as rugs, furniture, or curtains. To prevent dust buildup, make sure you regularly clean your furnace filter and clean these areas.
  3. Add Draft Door Stopper
    1. Doorways are easy entry points for cold air, but draft guards can keep it out. These handy objects are wrapped in fabric and weighted with sand to keep a chilled atmosphere from entering through the front door. Making your own is an option if you so desire. Make a doorway cover by cutting a length of fabric into a tube, sewing it together, then filling it with stuffing and closing it. Adding a draft stopper to the door will not stop the cool breeze from wafting in when you open it, but it will help when it is closed.
  4. Insulate windows with bubble wrap or plastic film.
    1. Bubble wrap and plastic film can insulate windows very quickly and cheaply. These window film insulation kits use transparent shrink film to create a protective barrier around drafty windows. Using a hairdryer, seal the plastic sheet to the adhesive tape after cutting it to the size of your window. The Wrap peels off cleanly at the end of the season.
    2. If you plan to use bubble wrap, choose a medium to large size ($15, Target). Small bubble wrap is too thin to block cold air and will not be as effective as oversized bubble wrap. Be sure to measure your windows before cutting the bubble wrap. Once that is done thoroughly, spray the window with a thin layer of water. The bubble wrap should be pressed to the window right after pouring, with the bubbles facing the glass. Bubble wrap will stick to the water and stay intact all winter long, keeping you warm.
  5. Seal your Windows
    1. Another good thing you can do is seal your windows. The best way to keep drafts out of your home is to replace old caulking and add weatherstripping, says Robertson. The first step in this process is to remove all corroding caulk from the frame. Remove the old caulk and use a caulk gun to apply a new layer. Apply a thin layer of caulk and smooth it out with your finger. In addition to sealing your windows’ exterior, you should close the interior.
    2. “In addition to updating your windows, this is an excellent time to switch to storm or insulated windows so that you can improve your home’s energy efficiency and stay warm this winter,” suggests Robertson.
  6. Open Curtains on a sunny day
    1. You can use this housewarming hack for free! Make sure you check the weather before you leave for the day. Let nature heat your home for free by opening the blinds and curtains around the house when the sun is out. Close all curtains at night to keep cold air out.
  7. Put your ceiling fans on reverse.
    1. Here’s a hack that usually goes unnoticed. According to Robertson, your ceiling fan operates clockwise during summer to pull warm air upward. During the winter, fans can also keep your home warm.

    2. “You can set them to run counterclockwise, which circulates the air and pushes warm air down,” Robertson says.

  8. Keep interior doors open.
    1. I am not referring to the outside doors in your home but to the gates surrounding the interior. There may seem to be some contradiction between closed doors to some rooms and the theory that they require less heating overall. It will help regulate the house’s temperature and keep your doors open. Robertson says this will allow air to circulate throughout the home.
    2. “Blocking off unconnected areas of the HVAC system, which have no purpose without it, makes sense,” Robertson says.”Where there are vents, heat will come out, and internal opening doors will circulate the [warm] air.”

  9. Boost insulation
    1. Checking your insulation as winter approaches can save you money, even if it is a little more involved. A thorough inspection of your insulation may be in order if you haven’t done so for a while. Added insulation to your home will help regulate the temperature and prevent energy loss through your basement and attic.
  10. Bake some treats
    1. Want to get warm fast? Here’s an idea. Turn on the oven to warm the house as you bake your favorite treat. Just a crack in the oven door, while it’s cooling is all you need to do when it has finished baking.

IMPORTANT: When the oven door has been open, turn it off. You can quickly and inexpensively heat your kitchen with heat. After all the heat has come out, close the door. If you have pets or small children, it is not advisable to do this.

Preventing Rodent’s


December will bring in those chilly temperatures. The cooler weather tends to drive unwanted outside visitors into our homes. Why is this important to note in relation to our electrical system? Well, rodents love to chew and seem to have a particular penchant for the insulation on your electrical work, which can damage your home systems and even cause a fire. Yes, rodents damage your electrical system! Here are a few tips on how to keep these furry pests away.

Signs to look out for that you may have an unwanted guest

  • LOOK: Rodents will leave signs that they are around. You just need to look

For them. The telltale sign that they are in our home is to see droppings.

Surely, you’ve seen them before they are a little black or grey and oval-shaped.

You may also spot nesting material in enclosed spaces. These materials can be

of numerous materials such as string, twine, insulation, leaves, or clothing.


  • LISTEN: You can tell if there is something crawling, scratching, or chewing on your

walls by listening for the noises


Winter is a good time to check your wiring!

  • Make sure your wiring is in good condition and hasn’t been chewed on periodically by inspecting the insulation. Of course, you will not be able to see what is behind your walls, but you will notice by looking around the house where you can see.
  • Pay attention to unexplained electrical problems. It’s possible that rodents are damaging your electrical system if you notice that some rooms or circuits do not have reliable power or if your breakers keep tripping without reason.


If you spot signs that a rodent or rodents are in your home, make sure to act promptly to remove them. The longer they stay housed inside, the more havoc they can cause.

  • Call a Professional
  • Combat the issue on your own using various traps and poisons available at the local store. Always read the instructions carefully to ensure the proper use of any method you decide to use. After all, safety in your home is the goal here.
  • Cats! They are a great deterrent for keeping rodents from damaging your electrical system and away from or out of your home.
  • The best way to avoid rodents from damaging your electrical system is to keep them out of your home. Caulk, foam spray, or other barriers can seal any cracks or holes around your home. Keep in mind that it is not uncommon for rodents to find tiny cracks or even chew their way in.


Remember, chewed wires in your home are a safety concern!

If you suspect rodents may have chewed through your electrical work, contact an expert DFW electrician immediately.










9 Reasons Why Your HVAC System Has Airflow Issues

Most homeowners in Texas part with over $1,200 annually as energy bills. Unfortunately, many of them don’t really have to spend up to that. When your HVAC system develops airflow issues, it will consume more energy to deliver less output. Here’s one common mistake.

During the summer months, when the HVAC setting that used to produce adequately cool air begins to fall short, many homeowners will just increase the setting without delving into what could have caused the drop in the performance of their HVAC. They quickly assume that it’s because the weather is hotter. This is often not the case.

Most of the time, when your HVAC setting isn’t as cool as it once was, it may be because its airflow is clogged. You may want to watch out for them.

Here are some of the causes of airflow blockage of HVAC systems.

1. Old age

As an Arlington HVAC expert, we can tell you that when your air conditioning unit is getting close to its lifespan, poor airflow will become a constant problem. So, when your system is no longer as cool as it used to be, ask yourself how long you’ve been using the appliance. If it’s close to 15 years or more than that, this may be time to replace it.

2. Leaking refrigerant

When your refrigerant begins to leak, you won’t know until the refrigerant level of your air conditioning level drops below the appropriate threshold. This will take its toll on its airflow. The air it supplies will no longer be cool enough for you. This means that when you notice that your air conditioner no longer supplies cool air and it’s not close to its lifespan, you may want to check if the refrigerant is leaking or not.

3. Buildup of dust and debris

Since your unit pulls in fresh air from outside, dust and debris will gradually build up in it. When dust overwhelms the condenser, it will no longer supply cool air, and this will lead to poor airflow issue. This is why you should always hire an Arlington electrician to inspect and clean your HVAC system at least, once a year.

4. Oversized unit

The bigger the unit, the better the airflow, right? Yes. This is correct to an extent. If you install a unit that is too big for your apartment, you’ll get fantastic airflow, but the airflow will not last long. Why? It will quickly cool certain parts of your home and cut off temporarily, even before the cool air circulates. And this “vicious cycle” will continue.

In addition, it may also cause humidity issues for your home. This is why you need to install the right size of HVAC unit for your home. When you move into a bigger house, you’ll upgrade your unit. If you’re not sure of the right size of HVAC for your home, consult an Arlington HVAC service provider.

5. Too small unit

We have talked about oversized units as a problem. Now, we also have to talk about an undersized unit. When the air conditioner installed in your home is too small, there will be airflow issues too. However, this problem is different from the others. The airflow issue will begin from the first day of use.

So, if notice that the air dished out by your HVAC unit isn’t cool enough for you, it may be too small for your home. Consult an Arlington electrician for assessment. In fact, it’s better to seek the guidance of an Arlington HVAC specialist in the choice of unit to install. This will prevent you from mistakenly installing a unit that cannot cover your entire home.

6. Weak or damaged blower fans

When they are in good condition, blower fans push air through the ductwork at an ideal flow rate and the air will find its way into your living space. When the blower fans are old, weak, or damaged, the amount of air they push through the ducts will reduce. And this will result in low airflow. An Arlington HVAC specialist will help you remove the damaged blower and install newer ones.

7. Punctured ductwork

The ductwork is like a set of pipes through which air is transferred from the condenser to your living space. If your ductwork is riddled with holes, air will leak out before it gets into your house. When the hole is small, you may not feel the effect. However, the hole will get bigger with time, and it may reduce the airflow to your house. This problem will persist until you plug the holes in your ductwork or change the leaking pipes.

 8. Blogged air filters

The air filters trap dust and debris while your system pulls fresh air into your home. When the dust builds up on the air filters, it will reduce the amount of air that will be able to go into your system. This will also reduce the amount of air that goes into your home. Air filters should be washed or replaced periodically.

9. Blocked vents

No matter the amount of air pushed into your ductwork, when your vents are clogged, only very little air will make it into your rooms. This implies that vents also need to be cleaned.


You’re probably wondering how to keep track of all the components of your HVAC system to check. You think you have 9 issues to worry about. Not exactly! You only have one thing to worry about. You only need to worry about hiring the right Arlington HVAC specialist for maintenance. During maintenance, we will look out for all the issues mentioned above. In fact, we often detect and avert potential issues before they manifest. We will clean or replace clogged or damaged components. Hire Blessed Electric & air for the HVAC repair, maintenance, and replacement of your HVAC system and leave the rest to us.

The Most Lucrative 8 Qualities in a Residential Electrician

You probably have some electrical works in your home and you’re looking to hire a good residential electrician. You want the best electrician in Texas, but you don’t know how to hire one. You’re definitely on the right page. You’ll learn what to look for in an electrician here.

Here are 8 things to consider when hiring a residential electrician:

1. Start by asking for reference

A good electrician is distinguished by their top-notch services. That’s why you should ask your friends, colleagues, family members, and anyone you know that recently used the service of an electrician. They should not only refer you to their electrician, but also let you know what they like about the service of the electrician.

This way, you’ll get the contacts of some good electricians. In other words, reference and positive reviews are some of the qualities to look for in an electrician. DFW electricians seem to be one of the best electricians in Texas, and we have wonderful reviews from clients. You may want to try us out.

2. Being licensed is important

Another thing to ask your electrician is their license. Even an unlicensed electrician will claim to have a license. This is why you should endeavor to see a copy of their license in your own interest. Remember, it is a crime to operate as an electrician without a license and it is also a crime to hire an electrician that is not licensed. With DFW electricians, you don’t have to worry about their licensure status because we are licensed to serve Texas.

3. Choose an insured electrician

For two reasons, you should hire only an insured electrician. If you’re being served by an insured electrician and an accident occurs, and one or some of the electricians get injured, their insurance company will foot the medical bills.  If you mistakenly hire an electrician that’s not insured, you’ll be liable for their medical bills.

Another reason to hire an insured electrician is that if any of your appliances or a part of your property gets damaged during electrical works, you’ll be duly compensated by the insurance company of your electrician. But if your electrician isn’t insured, you’ll be on your own. You may have to file a lawsuit to get the electrician to fix the damages. At this juncture, it is necessary to let you know that DFW electricians are fully insured. Hiring us will give you additional peace of mind.

4. Experience matters too

Only highly experienced electrical contractors can offer the best services. That’s why you should ask to know how experienced your electrician is. It is preferable to hire an electrician with at least 3 years’ experience gathered from serving Texas cities. It might interest you to find out that DFW HVAC technicians and DFW electricians have been offering top-notch services to the residents of Texas for several years. We are highly experienced.

5. Do they offer 24-hour services?

This matters too. You need an electrician or HVAC expert that is available 24 hours a day. What if your HVAC breaks down in the night? You don’t have to wait till morning to get it fixed. That’s why you need an electrician that provides 24-hour services. This is one of the hallmarks of DFW electricians and DFW HVAC technicians. Even if the electrical problem occurs at 2am, you can contact us immediately and we’ll hit the road instantly.

6.Knowledge of your electrical code

Every city has its electrical code. The electrical code is a set of regulations that must be followed in wiring and electrical installations. The main goal of an electrical code is the safety of all involved. And different communities have different electrical codes. So, you need an electrician that understands the electrical code in your community very well.

7. Great turnaround time

We all want the electrical problem in our homes fixed as quickly as possible. And this is understandable. Electricity is very important in homes. Most of the appliances that make our homes more homely are powered by electricity. Therefore, every electrical problem comes with a certain degree of discomfort. When it comes to fixing electrical problems, every second counts.

That’s why you must find out the average turnaround time of your electrician. That’s where we are head and shoulders above the rest. DFW electricians are trained to deliver speedy solutions. With our state-of-the-art equipment and wealth of experience, we can easily get to the root of every electrical problem and proffer the most cost-effective solutions.

8. Good reputation

It is also necessary to do your due diligence. When you decide on the electrician to hire, it’s necessary to search on Google for some reviews about them. Once you don’t find negative reviews about them, you’re good. On the other hand, if you see more than three bad reviews from different people, you may have to look for another electrician. We are proud to say you won’t find negative reviews about us – Blessed Electric & Air. We always put our customers first and we serve them with honesty. Most importantly, our rates are highly competitive.


We believe that the best time to search for an electrician is now. If a serious electrical problem arises in your home, you’ll be focused on getting it fixed as quickly as possible. You may not be able to check for all the qualities listed above. In fact, in that situation, you’re likely to hire the first electrician whose contact you stumble on. And you may end up in wrong hands. So, you should begin your search for a residential electrician now. In the alternative, since DFW electricians meet all the requirements discussed above, why not contact us today?

How to Find Affordable Electricians Near Dallas, Texas

Of course, there are numerous electricians in Dallas, but they offer varying charges and varying service qualities. And the Dallas electrician with the highest charges may not offer the best services. That’s why you need to apply the following

Tips to Hire Dallas HVAC Experts and Electricians

Ask for reference

You might need to ask friends, family, and/or colleagues at work who have enjoyed the services of a good Dallas electrician for reference. In addition, you could also do a simple Google search for Dallas electricians. With these two strategies, you’ll definitely end up with a long list of electricians in Dallas, Texas. You have to reduce the long list to about 4 or 5 electricians.

Contact the 4 of them

Having cut the list down to only 4 electricians in Dallas, Texas, you need to contact all of them to see what they offer before you make your final choice. You need to find out how long they’ve been in business. In addition, it is important to find out if they are licensed. This is necessary because it’s a crime to hire an unlicensed electrician in Texas. Don’t rely on word of mouth on this. You must seek proof of being licensed. After that, you can ask for the cost of the electrical works or repairs that you need.

Consider their charges

You need to consider the charges as well. While it is natural for your decision to tilt towards the electrician with the lowest charges, don’t base your choice on only low charges. You could end up with a poorly-done job and you’ll have to get another electrician to clean up the mess. Ask for the breakdown of the service they intend to render.

It is possible that the electrician with the lowest charges is the least experienced one and they do not offer any form of warranty for their service.  So, don’t just hire an electrician because of low charges.

Find out the turnaround time

Instead of looking for an electrician for the project on hand, it is better to hire an electrician that will continue to handle the electrical works in your home going forward. On that note, you need to know the average turnaround time of your chosen Dallas electrician. After paying upfront for an electrical service, you shouldn’t have to wait for days or weeks before it’s done. Most electrical works and repairs need to be done urgently.

24/7 availability matters too

When your HVAC suddenly packs up, you’ll need the services of a Dallas HVAC expert as quickly as possible, right? Imagine a situation in which your HVAC stops working on Friday night and you try to contact your electrical contractor but was told that you have to wait till Monday morning because the company does not work at weekends. What will you do?

No doubt, in that kind of situation, having to wait for two days will be frustrating and annoying. That’s why you should prevent such by hiring an electrician that is available and accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365/366 days a year.

Conclusively, if you’re in need of a reputable and reliable Dallas electrician or a Dallas HVAC expert that works 24/7 and offers competitive charges, contact us right away.

Why it is Better to Hire a Professional Electrician in Irving

It’s okay if you prefer to do things yourself, but not when it comes to electrical works. It’s not a good idea to play with electrical works if you’re not a well-trained electrician. Electricity is too dangerous for trial and error. Here are some reasons

Why You Should Always Hire an Irving Electrician for Electrical Issues

Warranty retention

You may not be aware that if it’s discovered that a non-certified Irving HVAC technician tampered with certain appliances like your HVAC, air conditioner, or water heater, the warranty on them could be voided. And the warranty on those heavy-duty electrical appliances usually runs into years. Losing the warranty on your HVAC will cost you a whole lot of money. It could even cost you more than what an Irving electrician will charge.

Danger in mistakes

In electrical works, you must get everything right. Electricity does not take kindly to errors. For instance, if you wire your home with inferior wires, when you plug heavy appliances to your outlets, your wires could melt and start an electrical fire. Improper wiring could also cause electric shocks. In fact, we have seen a situation where the wiring was improperly done by an inexperienced electrician and all metal appliances began to shock. We had to fix the problem.

To avoid electrocution and electrical fire, always hire a professional Irving electrician for your electrical repairs. You should not go beyond changing a light bulb.

It’s a crime

In Irving, Dallas, and other cities in Texas, it’s a crime for anyone to hire an unlicensed electrician. You know what that means? It implies that it is even a bigger crime for a non-electrician to handle electrical works. Well, you may be able to get away with it if things don’t go wrong. But if your inexperience leads to an electrical fire, you could be in real trouble.

Besides, no insurance company will compensate you for your burned properties if they find out that it was caused by your negligence. The most dangerous part is that the consequences of certain errors don’t manifest immediately. Everything may seem fine until things suddenly begin to go wrong.

If your mistake in electrical installation causes a fire that affects your neighbors, you may end up facing several lawsuits. That will be in addition to your personal loss. And you could slide into depression because of it.

It saves costs

You may end up hiring an Irving electrician to redo a job you thought you had done. Getting a job done twice will cost you more than hiring a professional electrician that would have done it once. Besides, electricians often charge higher to clean up someone’s mess than to do the job from scratch.

When you hire an expert for electrical works, you’re not only paying for the services of the electrician, but you’re also paying for safety, peace of mind, and warranty retention. And you’re also saving costs.

If you have an electrical works, repair, HVAC installation, maintenance, or repair, you can contact us immediately. Be smart.

Why It’s Important to Use a Licensed Electrician in Round Rock, TX

When it comes to hiring a Round Rock electrician or a Round Rock HVAC technician, people focus on only expertise. Once an electrician is referred to them by some other people, service buyers no longer bother to verify whether the electrician is licensed or not. Licenses are state-specific. The fact that an electrician is licensed to work in California does not mean he can also practice in Texas without being licensed in Texas.  That said, you need to consider the reasons

Why You Need to Hire Only a Licensed Electrician in Round Rock

He needs to understand the electrical code in Round Rock

Electrical code is a set of regulations for the design and installation of wires and other electrical installations. The main goal of the code is safety. This objective may be jeopardized if the code is violated. Only a Round Rock electrician will know the nitty-gritty of Round Rock electrical code.

A professional electrician that has never worked in Texas may not understand the electrical code in Texas. As such, they may violate the code. If this happens, you’ll share in the blame and liability. Ignorance is not a tenable excuse in this.

It’s an offence not to hire a licensed electrician

You may not know that it’s an offense for a Texas resident to hire an electrician that is not licensed to operate in Texas. It means you’re aiding felony. Of course, no one goes around looking for people who hire unlicensed Round Rock electrician and Round Rock HVAC experts, but a legal tussle could arise. And in the course of adjudication, it may be discovered that your electrician isn’t licensed. If that happens, the case will take a new dimension against you.

For insurance purpose

Licensure and insurance often go hand in hand. If an electrician isn’t licensed, it’s likely that they are not insured as well. If an accident occurs while working on your job, you’ll be responsible for the medical bills. You don’t want to add someone’s medical bills to your responsibilities. And if your home is damaged during an electrical installation, your insurance company may not compensate you if they find out that the electrician that caused the problem is not licensed.

A sign of competence

Here in Texas, the process and requirements for getting licensed to operate as an electrician is long, strict, and tedious. This makes it almost impossible for charlatans to get licensed. Any electrician that is licensed in Texas is definitely competent. So, when an electrician shows their license, you don’t need to doubt their competence anymore.

High-quality service

Professional licenses are usually provisional in the United States, and electricians are not an exception. If a Round Rock electrician is found guilty of professional misconduct or other infractions, their license may be withdrawn. That’s why licensed electricians are bound to offer high-quality services all the time. They have their reputations and licenses to protect.

We can proudly state that we are a licensed, fully-insured, bonded, experienced, and well-equipped Round Rock electrician whose charges are competitive. So, do not hesitate to contact us whenever you need to the services of an electrician.

How to Design a Smart HVAC System for Your Home

Before talking about how to design a smart HVAC system, you need to understand the benefits of a smart HVAC system. The benefits will motivate you to take actions quickly. So, what are the benefits of a smart HVAC system?

Benefits of a Smart HVAC System

  1. The most important benefit is the reduction of carbon footprints. If at least tenth of the homes in the world use a smart HVAC system, the global carbon footprints will be reduced tremendously, making the atmosphere more ecofriendly. And the chances of global warming will be reduced further. As they say, a journey of several thousand kilometers starts with a single step. It starts with you.
  2. Smart systems will make your home energy-efficient and slash your monthly power consumption. In the end, your monthly energy bills will keep going down.
  3. Of Course, convenience is priceless. Having a smart unit in place will save you the hassles of turning on/off of your unit or setting the temperature several times a day.
  4. A smart HVAC system keeps track of your usage, so you can easily retrieve important data as to your usage patterns. You’ll be able to draw several important information from the data.

How to Make Your HVAC System Smart

A smart HVAC system has several inbuilt sensors and runs on certain programs to be able to take certain decisions with little or no human intervention. To make your unit smart, you need to incorporate the following features and components into it.

Connect your system to solar panels

It is a smart idea to install some solar panels on your roof and connect your HVAC to them. After that, you can program your unit to draw power from the solar panels during the day and return to the grid after sunset. This will reduce your dependency on the grid and cut down on your monthly power usage.

Install air purifiers

The quality of air in your home is equally as important as the indoor temperature. Poor air quality can lead to a litany of health issues. Although HVAC units are designed to filter off contaminants, you can install air purifiers to further increase your unit’s air-purifying ability. It will save you a lot of health issues.

Include some important sensors

A motion detection sensor has the ability to monitor the motion in different zones/compartments/rooms in your home. When the motion is almost zero in a certain zone for a certain period of time, the sensor will shut down the supply of hot/cold air to that zone until motion is detected in the zone again.

And if there are no motion in all the zones for a certain length of time, it means no one is at home. The sensor will shut down the entire HVAC system to save energy.

To save your energy consumption, you don’t have to leave your unit on all through the day. There are certain periods in a day that the indoor temperature is okay. During this, you can shut down your unit to save power. This is the function of the temperature sensor. Once the indoor temperature becomes normal, it shuts down the unit. And when the temperature drops below or shoots up above the normal range, the temperature sensor can start the cooling or heating unit, depending on the situation.

Proximity sensor detects how close you are to your home. That way, it can start your unit even before you get into your home. The advantage of this sensor is that you don’t have to wait for some minutes before the indoor temperature gets to your preferred point. Since your unit will start working before you get home, your home will be cool/warm before you get inside.

Environment sensor can detect and alert you of problems like reduced HVAC efficiency, dirty air filter, and air duct leakage. Ordinarily, it will take you days or weeks to detect these problems, but your environmental sensor will bring any of them to your notice within a few hours.

Install a remote control

It is much more convenient to control the temperature in your home with a remote control instead of walking to the thermostat. You may have to change the temperature several times a day. Walking to the thermostat each time might be tedious and cumbersome. A remote control can make the job easier. With a remote control, you can control your unit from wherever you are.

You can even take it further. With internet connection, you can install an app with which you’ll control your HVAC system from your phone. That means you don’t even have to be physically present in your home to be able to control your unit.


Making your unit smart isn’t what you can handle on your own except you’re an HVAC expert. You need to hire a professional and offer all the suggestions discussed. Yours is to proffer ideas and let your HVAC service providers implement your suggestions.