How To Integrate HVAC System Into Modern Designs?

The installation of HVAC units often runs into conflict with the tenets of modern home designs and it is a big challenge for homeowners. For instance, the installation involves running of pipes and breaking of walls. Also, the components of HVAC units usually clog homes, jeopardizing the open-space interior décor in homes. This article gives you a few creative ways to integrate your HVAC system into the design of your home.

However, before going into the heart of the matter, it is necessary to briefly give the common features of modern home designs. This is because a modern design means different things to different homeowners. So, to be on the same page, here are some of the major features of modern designs.

Features of Modern Home Designs

Open Floor/Decluttering

Homeowners have come to realize the importance of space in homes. Now, people design their homes to free as much space as possible. That’s why people now consider the compactness of their home appliances. They go for the most compact units that can give them what they want.

Homeowners now declutter their homes regularly. In fact, it is an ongoing process in most homes with modern designs. Unfortunately, the installation of an HVAC will take up a huge chunk of space in your home. That’s why you need to find creative ways to mitigate this anomaly. It might be a good idea to install your HVAC in areas that are not accessed regularly.

Natural Light

Giving homes access to natural light is part of modern designs. New homes have bigger and wider windows with several skylights. Some have transparent sliding doors too. So, you don’t have to put on any interior light in the afternoon, when the day the is very bright. This helps to drive down your monthly energy bills.

It is possible that some components of your HVAC block some of the windows or skylights in your home, reducing the amount of light getting into your home. Therefore, you need to find a way to prevent this when deciding on where to install your HVAC. It should be placed in such a way that there’s minimum blockage to natural light.

Automation of Control/ Smart Homes

Modern design also includes the automation of the control of your home appliances. A good example is programming lights in different compartments/rooms to go off a few minutes after the last occupant leaves. This implies that even if you forget to switch off your lights before leaving home, the lights will go off on their own after a few minutes.

In the same way, your HVAC can be programmed to cease supply of hot or cold air (as the case may be) to empty rooms. In addition, you should be able to program the thermostat to kick off a few minutes before your usual time of arrival. So, you’ll get into a warm home in winter or a cooler home in the hot days of summer.

Although there are several other features of a modern design but they are not directly related to the installation of HVAC. That being said, let’s now dive into some of the creative ways to integrate your HVAC system into the modern design of your home.

Tips for The Integration of Your HVAC System into Modern Design

Painting of the vents

HVAC’s need vents to work and the vents will be obvious in your home. Of Course, you may not like the idea of your home having an industrial look. A good idea is to paint the vents to match the color of your walls. This will make the vents less conspicuous, and painting your vents make them look and feel like some kind of decorative pieces. It’s all about your creativity.

Include the sensors

Modern homes are smart homes, and they are smart because they have certain set of sensors. So, you need to include certain sensors when installing your HVAC. The two most popular sensors are occupancy, light, and temperature sensors. The former detects the presence of humans in a certain part of your home and turns the lights on. It also sends cool/warm air to the compartment.

On the flipside, it does the reverse when the area becomes empty. On the other hand, a light sensor detects low-light ambiance and sends a signal to turn the lights on. It also detects natural light in the morning and does the reverse.

The temperature sensor will monitor the interior temperature in your home. When the temperature goes up above a certain level according to the thermostat settings, the sensor will kick start the cooling unit. Also, when the internal temperature drops below a certain threshold, the sensor will set off the heating unit. And when the temperature is neither too low nor too high, the sensor will keep the HVAC off. These automations make your home smart and energy-efficient.

The smaller the better

Gone are the days when bigger units always gave high output. This is no longer the case. There are smaller units that are more powerful than bigger ones. So, you might want to go for a more compact HVAC. It will take less space in your apartment and it will also be easier to hide. What matters is its output and its area of coverage.

Hire an HVAC installation team

It pays to hire professionals to map out the installation of your HVAC first. You must take part in this process so that you can notify them of all your concerns. This process also involves choosing a particular model of HVAC. When your team knows the size, shape, and design of your HVAC, it will help them make proper space for the unit.

In fact, it is a good idea to involve the HVAC installation team in the choice of your unit. They will help to choose the right size and capacity for your home. While it may not be a good idea to choose a unit that will underperform, it is even a worse idea to install a bigger unit than what you need.

Hide the unit

If possible, you can hide your AC unit behind a piece of furniture. This is easy if your unit is compact. Placing a chair or shelf in front of your AC makes the unit less visible or totally invisible. And that’s cool for your home décor. You could also cover your unit with a large protective cover. As they say, creativity is endless.

Floor placement of the unit

Before now, the ceiling used to be the ideal location for an HVAC unit for quick and smooth distribution of cool or hot air. This is no longer the case for two reasons. First, having a high ceiling is a major feature modern architecture of homes. This will make your unit work even harder if placed in the ceiling.

Also, many houses now have skylights in the ceiling for adequate influx of natural light. Placing your unit in the ceiling may block the entry of light partially or fully. For these reasons, it is now a better idea to place your HVAC on the floor.


The tips listed above are mere suggestions. You can adopt any of them or use them for inspiration. The most important thing is getting your creativity cap on. The main goal is to blend your HVAC unit into your modern home décor.

What Are the Most Common Electrical Repair Needs?

Electrical faults are some of the commonest issues homeowners face here in Fort Worth. Of course, there are numerous electrical problems, but some of them are more rampant than others. Based on the information given by some experts in home electrical repair in Fort Worth, the electrical repairs listed below are the commonest ones.

Flickering Lights

Many homeowners tend to brush the issue of flickering lights aside as a minor problem, but this is often not the case. The problem is usually a sign of bigger underlying problem. And funny enough, some people decide to ignore the problem, hoping that it will normalize soon. Of course, this hardly happens.

The problem of flickering lights is caused by either a poor electrical connection or an overloaded electrical system. When your electrical system is overloaded and you disconnect some electrical appliances, it is possible for the flickering lights to stop, but that does not mean that the problem is gone.

You may have to upgrade your wiring system or your electrical panel. Whatever the case may be, the problem of flickering lights should be left for licensed providers of emergency electrical repair in Fort Worth. It is not something you should try to fix on your own.

Faulty Electrical Outlets

This is another common electrical repair. When some of your outlets suddenly stop working, you need to check your circuit breakers. It is likely that one of them has tripped off. If none of them has tripped off, then it is more likely to be a wiring problem. The wire that links the outlets may be damaged or cut off by rodents.

Also, if it is only one outlet that isn’t working, maybe that particular outlet has burned out. As a matter of fact, a failed outlet is safer than a faulty outlet that is still working. The latter could cause an electrical fire or lead to electric shocks. That’s why you should abandon any electrical outlets that are blackening out, getting overly hot, or producing sparks.

Frequent Tripping of Circuit Breakers

There are so many houses in Fort Worth that were built several decades ago and their electrical panels are yet to be upgraded. If your house is in this category and your electrical system seems fine, it’s just a matter of time for an upgrade to become necessary. However, you don’t have to wait till then. Get your electrical system inspected and carry out the required upgrade, if necessary.

When your circuit breakers begin to trip off too frequently, you may need to upgrade your entire wiring system or your electrical panel. Whatever the case may be, don’t just jump to conclusion. Let a licensed electrician in Fort Worth check the problem.

Repeated Blown Fuses

If the fuse in your fuse panel keeps “blowing” frequently, it is either that you have overloaded the system or there’s a case of short circuits. It is another common electrical repair in homes. You can only hire an electrician to get to the root of the problem.


If you’re experiencing any of the electrical issues discussed above, you need to consult an electrician as soon as possible. Don’t try to fix things yourself. In electrical works, a lot can go wrong and the consequences can be too costly.

How Long Does It Take to Become an Electrician and What Exactly Do They Do?

How Long Does It Take to Become an Electrician?

Several years of on-the-job training, practice, and experience are what makes a great electrician in New Braunfels, TX. The duration may differ slightly from electrician to electrician. It all depends on the path you choose. Generally, it takes about three years of apprentice program. In Texas, you must complete at least 7,000 hours of training before you’re eligible for the examination.

However, you need to complete 8,000 hours of training before you can apply for a license. You must bear in mind that the 8,000 hours of training does not guarantee your license. Texas handles the licensing of electricians strictly, and that’s fine. In electrical works, a lot can go wrong and the consequences can be costly.

  1. To be an apprentice electrician, you only need to be at least 16 years.
  2. To be a residential wireman, you must complete at least 4,000 hours of training under a certified master electrician. The training must be documented.
  3. A journeyman electrician must complete 8,000 hours of training to get a license in Texas. In addition, he must take and pass the Texas journeyman certification test.
  4. Finally, to be regarded as a master electrician, you must complete at least 12,000 hours of work under a more experienced master electrician. The 12,000 work hours must include 2 years of working as a journeyman electrician. You must also take and pass the master electrician test.

Who is an Electrician?

In Texas, an electrician is a qualified and certified professional that handles issues with electricity. Generally, commercial electricians in New Braunfels install, maintain, and repair electrical systems. Find the breakdown of what electricians do below.

What Do Electricians Do?

Installation of Wiring Systems

One of the jobs of an electrician in New Braunfels, TX is to wire your home for electrical appliances. Wiring also includes the installation of electrical panels, circuit breakers and electrical outlets. Remember, there are different categories of wires and each wire category has its electrical outlets. Installing more powerful outlets on less powerful wires could make the wires melt and start an electrical fire. In addition, electricians also have the tools, expertise, and experience to upgrade the wiring systems in homes and commercials buildings.

Repair of Existing Systems

When something goes wrong with the electrical system in your home, when certain outlets pack up, or when certain electrical appliances are no longer functional, it is the duty of an electrician to troubleshoot the problem and solve it.

Electricians make use of tools like ammeters and voltmeters to get to the root of any electrical fault. Faults like dimming of lights and light flickering can also be handled by licensed electricians in New Braunfels.

Maintenance and Inspection of Electrical Installations

Many electrical problems can be averted during periodic inspections. That’s why it is necessary to hire an electrician to inspect your entire electrical systems. That’s a part of their jobs. In addition, electricians in New Braunfels are also responsible for the maintenance of all the components of your electrical systems.


Now that you have an idea of what it takes to be an electrician, do you think watching a few YouTube videos comes close? The answer is a big “NO.” This is why it is always a good idea to hire an experienced electrician in New Braunfels for electrical faults. Watching hundreds of YouTube videos won’t give you the same experience. Be smart.

Babies and Home Electrical Hazards

September has been designated Baby Safety Month. Throughout the years the focus on safety has resulted in improvements in toy safety, care seat safety, and more to keep infants safe at home and while away. In honor of Baby Safety Month, we wanted to share with you some electrical safety tips that should be utilized in every home that has a little one.

It doesn’t matter where you live; an apartment, townhome, single, or duplex every home has electrical outlets. Here is a list of some safety tips to help keep little ones safe around electrical outlets.

  1. You should use outlet plugs on all unused outlets so that your baby will not get shocked if they crawl over and stick their fingers in them. Electrical outlets are easy targets for curious babies due to their proximity to the ground.
  2. Make sure that electrical cords in use have outlet covers to prevent babies from pulling them out.
  3. Tuck away or shorten all charger cords for phones, laptops, and other devices to prevent a baby from pulling them and putting them in their mouths or chewing on them, which could cause severe electric shock.

TIP: Make sure you protect your baby when traveling to a new place where outlet covers may not be used. You should take the same precautions wherever your baby spends time, such as at a daycare, their grandparents’ house, or another home where they are in another person’s care.

Electrical Dangers and Toys

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission in 2020 there were an estimated 198,000 toy related injuries. Just under half of those injuries involved children under the age of four. Electric shocks or burns did not make the list of top ten injuries, but they are legitimate concerns for parents when purchasing toys for their young children.

In order to prevent burns on young children, experts advise against giving them electric toys.

Please read our list of precautions for battery operated toys:

  • Injuries can occur if different battery types are mixed, which may cause leaks or overheat.
  • Thermal burns can occur when battery chargers and adapters are used.
  • Taking batteries-operated toys to bed or putting them in a crib can result in burns or other injuries if the batteries leak.
  • You should not allow remote controls, keyless entry fobs, video game controllers, and cell phones to become baby toys.

There is no child-proof compartment in the battery compartment of these devices since they are not intended for babies. There is a possibility that a lithium battery can be swallowed accidentally and cause an internal burn.

In the event a person big or small swallows a battery call 911 immediately.

Always be cautious of toys that have a heating element, such as toy oven. These types of toys are generally recommended for children over the age of eight. Injuries could occur if the heating element were to catch fire.

As a recommended DFW licensed electrician we care about children safety. When it comes to electrical hazards and little ones an ounce of protection can be lifesaving.

When to Prepare Your HVAC System for Fall

In Texas the first day of Fall means cooler days are coming. Living in the South doesn’t guarantee the absence of cold weather. The last thing a homeowner wants to discover when turning on their HVAC is that it isn’t working as it should. In this industry, the end of fall and beginning of winter are the busiest times for servicing your home’s heating system. Calling late Summer or early Fall will not only guarantee a prompt appointment but will also give us time to order any necessary parts if something needs to be replaced.

Early HVAC maintenance prevents long wait times during busy seasons and allows you to catch problems before they become serious.

The Benefits of HVAC Maintenance

Servicing your HVAC system prior to the heating and cooling season can:

  • Aid in protecting your HVACs warranty
  • Improve the efficiency of your HVACs system
  • Increase the service life of your HVAC system
  • Lower the cost of heating and cooling your home

It’s a good idea to have your HVAC system inspected a twice a year to catch problems early.

At Blessed Electric and Air electricians we are licensed and insured, and have over 20 years of experience in the DFW, Arlington, Irving, Burleson, and surrounding areas. Our services range from residential to commercial, from outlet and switch replacements to new circuit installations, service panel upgrades, and whole-home rewiring. We offer top-notch services at affordable prices.

Call us today at 214 801-5755 to schedule all of your electrical and HVAC services in DFW, Arlington, Irving, Austin, Burleson, or the surrounding areas.

Hiring Expert for Electrical Panel Upgrades for Commercial Areas

You’ve decided to upgrade your electrical panel. Of course, that’s a smart move. And you’re hoping to handle the upgrade yourself. That’s not so smart if you’re not a professional electrician. Here are some of the reasons why you need an expert in electrical panel upgrades in Dallas, TX.

Safety: You need to consider the safety of your family, and the safety of your property. Wrong connections could start an electrical fire or cause electrocution. For instance, if the wires installed are not strong enough for the newly installed electrical panel, the wires could melt or burst into fire.

Oftentimes, it will cost you much more to fix an electrical mess than to hire an experienced contractor from the beginning. It’s needless to remind you that when it comes to electrical works, partial knowledge is worse than zero knowledge. You’ll only get the job done when you have 100% knowledge.

Knowledge of Electrical Codes: You probably don’t know the electrical codes in your location. And if you don’t know the codes, how will you be able to observe them? In case you’re not aware, violation of electrical codes is a huge crime. You could be fined heavily for it.

You Must be a Licensed Electrician To Work on Electrical Panels: Here in Texas, you need to be a licensed electrician to work on electrical panels. Hence, it’s a crime to handle electrical panels if you are not licensed, even if it’s your personal property. Fort Worth Electricians are subjected to a series of competency test before getting their license. So, it’s logical to assume that any electrician without a license isn’t competent.

There are Compatibility Issues Involved: Not every electrical element works with all electrical panels. And all the electrical elements like fasteners and connectors must be fully compatible with the newly installed panel. Do you have the knowledge? Do you know what brands work with each other? Can you also handle compatibility in terms of categories too? These are the professional decisions every electrician will make. Don’t start what you can’t finish.

Lower Cost of Items: Fort Worth electricians buy electrical items all the time and they’ll likely enjoy certain price concessions that you can’t get. That’s why they’ll always buy electrical materials and elements much cheaper than you’ll ever get them.

Warranty Retention: Many electrical panels and circuit breakers often come with limited or full warranties. And these warranties have different terms and conditions. If an unqualified technician tampers with an electrical panel, the warranty on it could be voided. So, to retain the warranty on the new electrical panel and some other electrical fittings, you should hire an electrician for electrical panel upgrades in Dallas.

Appropriate Wiring: Every electrical panel has its minimum wire capacity. You need to run wires that can work with the panel. If the wires are low in capacity, they could get overheated and begin to melt. The question is, do you know the category of wires that can work with different capacities of electrical panel? Maybe not.


To enjoy your new electrical panel with long-term peace of mind, and to also keep your warranties intact, try to hire a professional electrician for electrical panel upgrade in Dallas, Texas.

Experienced Electricians For Installation & Repairs of Electrical Systems

Are you currently experiencing a power failure in your commercial building or home? It is essential that you don’t waste any time before calling in a professional electrician. Call our technicians without delay as soon as you notice any anomalies in your electrical systems. Although it may not always seem like a priority, delaying electrical repairs can lead to serious problems.

Don’t take any risk of electrocution or fire and call our experienced team to diagnose and fix the problem. Since we’ve been in business, we’ve seen and repaired virtually every type of electrical problem. We can cover all your needs, whether it’s an emergency repair service, or minor problems that need to be resolved, or your electrical installations.

Why Hire An Experienced Electrician?

An experienced electrician, specialist, handles the design, installation, and repair of domestic and commercial electrical systems installations. During construction, he works closely with the designer or builder to create an electrical circuit with all the electrical wiring required for your project. He ensures that your installation meets electrical standards. In the case of electrical renovations, he can perform upgrades and repairs to the existing electrical system. Changing fuses;

  • Advice on the choice of equipment;
  • Control of electrical installations;
  • Diagnosis of the origin of a power failure;
  • General maintenance of the electrical system;
  • Connection of appliances;
  • Lighting replacement; electrical inputs; a switch;
  • Renovation of the electric meter;
  • Repairing damaged appliances;
  • Security system repair;
  • Resolving a power failure;
  • Resolution of an over voltage problem.
  • Installation of home automation; LED lamps; lights; switch; dimmer switch; Sockets; differential switch; electrical panel;

Residential, and commercial electrical installation and repairs are not part of the work you can do yourself without a minimum of technical knowledge. Creating the electrical schematic of a residence is not as simple as replacing the bulb of a light fixture, and it is better to avoid any risk of fire. General electricity requires specific expertise and adequate electrical equipment. It is, therefore, in your best interest to hire an experienced electrician for your electrical work. Our electrical specialists travel throughout the City for various large-scale projects.

  • Residential;
  • Commercial;
  • Industrial;
  • Institutional;
  • Installation and maintenance of solar panels.


An experienced electrician will take care of your electrical work from A to Z. We will take care of the electrical systems for a new construction, an electrical renovation, lighting, a central vacuum cleaner, or a pool or spa connection. We will install your generator, your convection heater, your floor heating system, your thermostats, replaces your electrical panel, and much more.


Many businesses and companies in Irving and the surrounding area request our services for their electricity needs. Our electricians offer maintenance, upkeep, and repairs for maximum performance of your electrical installations. Our team installs certified and safe lighting systems. Ask for the service of our specialized and certified electricians in Canyon Lake for your commercial projects.


We have all the know-how and expertise to intervene on larger projects. Over the years, we have done numerous electrical work for plants and industrial clients. Whatever the needs of your project, we will meet your expectations and respect your deadlines. For an existing plant, a new industrial construction, or the connection of your machinery, our company is the partner you can trust.


Our great experience and professionalism allow us to stand out even within the institutional sector. You can call us to carry out electrical work for educational, municipal, and government institutions. We can also work for hospitals, financial institutions, and retirement homes. With our company, you benefit from a top-of-the-line service.

Installation and Maintenance of Solar Panels

Specialized in photovoltaic electricity (electricity from the sun’s energy captured by solar panels), our electricians in Austin are experts in the field and prepare the electrical equipment for projects. They also carry out the connection or repair of an existing installation. As soon as the photovoltaic installation is completed, we take part in the tests and various adjustments.

How to Hire A Good Commercial Electrician?

The electrical system in commercial buildings, such as offices or industries, is generally much more complex than residential electrical systems. For this reason, commercial electrician should always be selected for these projects.

Their specialized knowledge is essential for the safe management of all commercial or industrial repairs and installations. They deal with a wide range of projects and emergencies for which they are the only ones with the necessary skills.

What Does a Commercial Electrician Do?

Commercial electricians will often deal with heavy machinery and high voltage distribution systems. In addition, the wiring of commercial and industrial networks has significant differences from the wiring found in the residential field. More complex and extensive, it requires specialized knowledge.

These electricians regularly check and maintain electrical circuits and instruments to ensure their proper operation. They must ensure that everything is safe. When they build a new system, they will follow the contractor’s plans in order to build a customized system, adapted to the needs of that company. That’s why the work of a commercial electrician is more challenging than that of a residential electrician. They often face new situations to which they will have to find ingenious solutions, in addition to working with complex electrical systems. As a result, they will take specialized training in this field to develop the skills specific to this work environment. This will give them a certification specific to the commercial field.

Why Quality So Important?

The safety of the premises will depend on the good work of the electricians. If their work is poorly executed, it could cause extremely costly damage and endanger people on the premises. The dangers of a serious problem in the electrical system are many. They include, among others, electrocution and fire hazards.

A commercial electrician plays a vital role in the growth of your business. By allowing your business or industry to operate normally every day, the electrician helps you to be constantly productive. In fact, a problem with the electrical system can bring your business to a standstill for an indefinite period of time.

How do I hire a good Commercial Electrician?

You can’t fool around with electricity! Below are some of the things we recommend that you look for in a commercial electrician in Burleson, TX to ensure that you hire a professional who knows what they are doing.

Experience and References, Essential Criteria

For your work, you will need to hire a qualified and experienced electrician. Make sure that he has the required skills and that he has completed qualifying training, and don’t hesitate to ask him for his certificates if you have any doubts. And ask for references from customers who have worked with him or her before. This will allow you to verify his skills and the quality of his work. The best way to find a reliable and competent electrician is to get a referral from someone you know. If you don’t know anyone around you, you still have the Internet. You will be able to find opinions of Internet users and references.

Insurances and Guarantees

Before starting any electrical work, make sure that your electrician guarantees you the deadlines and the work quality.

The Respect of The Standards

It is essential that your professional respects the standards and legislations in force.

Quality of the Products Used

Prefer an electrician who offers quality products for your electrical installation to ensure longevity and safety. It is better to call upon a professional who works with recognized brands in electricity, such as Schneider, Siemens…

Tariff and Quotation

The question of budget is obviously essential. To find a commercial electrician with the best quality/price ratio, do not hesitate to play with the competition. Ask several requests for quotes from different professionals.

Electrical Troubleshooting For Your Home in Irving Tx

Does a power failure disrupts your daily life? Whether you are deprived of light or hot water, you need to act quickly to regain your comfort! We are specialists in electrical troubleshooting in Irving, TX.

A power failure in a building means the interruption of the power supply due to damage to the electrical network. It can also be caused by a problem in the production of electricity or by disturbances in the management of systems.

However, more electricity means more light, more hot water, more heating, more telecommunication systems and more alarms, which can disrupt daily life and make your home very uncomfortable. To be able to solve the problem, you need to know how to identify the cause of the power failure.

The Causes Of Electrical Breakdowns

The main cause of power cuts is late payment of bills. However, this is not the only factor that causes blackouts. They can also be caused by bad weather, outdated electrical installations and faulty equipment and appliances.

Sometimes, changing a fuse and a plug or turning on the main circuit breaker on the electrical panel may not be enough to restore power. A professional electrician in Cedar Park must be called in to diagnose and troubleshoot electrical problems.

Intervention by An Electrician

Remember that there are many dangers to which you are exposed in the event of a power cut: electrocution, fire, electrification. Whatever the cause of the power cut, for safety reasons, you should not try to solve it yourself, even if you know something about electricity.

Instead, you should contact a specialized company, an electricity supplier or a craftsman electrician. Only a professional will be able to diagnose the problem in the building and find the right solution. He or she will carry out electrical repairs in your home and also bring your electrical installation up to standard.

The Different Types of Electrical Troubleshooting

You will have understood that, for safety reasons, you must hire an Irving electrician to carry out electrical work such as maintaining the electrical network, renovating the electrical installation, bringing systems up to standard and troubleshooting. This is one way of guaranteeing a quality installation.

Electricians’ services are varied, ranging from heating installation and hot water production to the renovation, repair and replacement of appliances.

It should be noted that the role of an electric company is not limited to the replacement of an electrical socket, it also extends to the renovation of your electrical installation or its maintenance, the installation of the circuit breaker and the connection of the electrical panel. As part of their job, professionals are also called upon to install smoke detectors and more.

How to Choose The Electrician For Your Repairs?

Word of mouth, directories: there is no shortage of sources to find the right professional. During your search phase, make sure you bring in the competition, to get an idea of the rates charged, negotiate the quote if possible. This will also help you avoid scams if you choose a service provider too quickly without comparing prices and services.

While Waiting for Your Electrician, Have The Right Reflex!

In the event of a power failure, if you notice the presence of black marks and/or a burnt smell, it is advisable not to take any risks, not to touch your electrical installation. Instead, you should hire an Irving Electrician quickly.

Do you have doubts about your electricity/energy consumption? Simply compare your latest bills to find out if you are over-consuming.

For your safety, before checking your installation, always remember to cut off the power in the rooms concerned. This operation is carried out at the circuit breakers on the distribution board, generally installed in the entrance to your home.

It is also recommended that you disconnect any electrical appliances whose condition or operation may suggest that they are damaged.

The Installation of The HVLS Fans for Industrial Factory

The High Volume Low-Speed Industrial HVLS Fans is designed to circulate air in the most efficient and effective way in your installation. Discover the benefits of the installation of this Great industrial Fan.

Definition of HVLS Fans

In the late 1990s, William Fairbank and Walter K. Boyd invented and patented a new type of ceiling fan, first called the Large Volume Large Diameter Fan (HVLS). This type of ceiling fan was originally developed for agricultural spaces, so early research focused on the benefits of HVLS ceiling fans on milk production. These fans are generally very large ceiling fans. They move slowly and distribute large amounts of air at a low rotational speed, hence the name “High Volume, Low-Speed.”

How an HVLS Fan Works

HVLS fans work on the principle that moving air reduces the layer of moisture surrounding the human body and accelerates evaporation to produce a cooling and well-being effect. Ceiling fans produce a movement of air when they rotate. This air movement goes down towards the floor. This is called a horizontal floor jet; this deep wall of horizontally moving air is relative to the fan’s diameter and, to a lesser degree, to the speed of a fan. Once the floor jet reaches its potential, it disperses outward from this air movement until it hits a side wall or other vertical surface (wall or ceiling).

Under ideal conditions, a 2.4 m diameter fan produces a floor jet of air approximately 910 mm wide towards the floor. A 7.3 m diameter fan, on the other hand, produces a floor jet of air 2,700 mm wide, obviously large enough to perfectly create the thermal comfort of a man standing on the floor.

Benefits of HVLS Fan

  • Choice of Motors, Direct Drive, or Reducer: The HVLS fan range includes industrial fans with gearboxes and fans with direct drive motors.
  • Savings With Every Turn: HVLS fans, which operate at only a few cents per hour, save energy costs by allowing you to raise the temperature at the thermostat and maximize comfort levels when it’s hot or warm when it’s cold. You can thus make considerable energy savings by reducing the amount of your heating bills, especially in the case of large installations.
  • Cooling and Comfort: Air movement can have a significant influence on human thermal comfort. Wind in cold conditions is considered harmful, but air movement in neutral or warm environments is considered beneficial. This is because, in conditions where temperatures are above about 23.3°C, the body must lose heat to maintain the internal temperature constant. Unlike air conditioners, which diffuse cold air, HVLS ceiling fans cool people through the movement of air.

HVLS industrial Ceiling fans increase air movement in the environment of the occupants, making it easier for people to reject heat. Strong air movement increases the rate of heat loss by convection and evaporation from the body, making the individual’s body cooler without changing the ambient temperature. The most effective way to mix the air in a stratified space is to push the warm air towards the floor. This allows complete mixing of the air in the space while naturally reducing heat loss through the walls and roof of the building and therefore reducing the energy consumption of the building. Contact us to hire professional electricians in Round Rock.